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Creating Digital Content: Presentations, Blogs, Podcasts, and Social Posts that Shine

PsychCraft Network

Gordon asked me to update the web page with new podcast members. I coordinate with podcast hosts to create an about page for their podcasts. I create an embedded podcast player and add them to the site menu.  

Visit the PsychCraft Network

Scaling Therapy Practice 

I host, produce, and do all the behind-the-scenes marketing for the Scaling Therapy Practice Podcast. I use Descript to edit the show and ChatGPT to take the transcript and make it into show notes. I also publish the show on YouTube and make social images to promote the show. I love interviewing guests and learning how they are scaling their private practice. 

Listen to the Scaling Therapy Practice

Wise Practice Podcast 

I produce, and do all the behind-the-scenes marketing for the Wise Practice Podcast. I coordinate with Whitney on the release schedule and content to include in the show.  I use Descript to edit the show and ChatGPT to take the transcript and make it into show notes. I work with the guests by providing them with social media posts to promote the show. Working on the show is a highlight of my week because I get to digest all the great content by creating notes, posts, and outlines. I post the show on Libsyn and it populates on iTunes, Spotify, and other podcast players. One of my favorite episodes to work on was with Laura Long and How to stand out on Psychology Today, a must-listen!

Listen to the Wise Practice Podcast

Soul Care for Therapists

I produce, and do all the behind-the-scenes marketing for the Soul Care for Therapists Podcast. I use a Trello Board to manage the flow of information and podcast production. Dawn had the board set up for me so I could jump right in and start producing content. She is very organized! She posts weekly episodes on the board from Zencaster and Zoom. I stitch them together with Descript (my favorite audio and video editing tool). Using ChatGPT I transform the transcript and make it into show notes. I make two social media posts a week for her show using my second favorite tool Canva Pro. Finally, I use WordPress to update her podcast page. Here is an episode featuring Jane Carter that I am proud to have produced. 

Listen to Soul Care for Therapists

Get Help Producing Your Content

I live to bring good content to life. If you are struggling with finding the time to get the ideas out of your head and into the hands of your clients, I can help you. 

Services Offered

Landing Pages, Lead Magnets, and Email Automation

I have a passion for crafting engaging landing pages. I believe you must clearly demonstrate value and build trust before people will trust you with their money and time. Landing pages offer true free value and go a long way to building trust.

I have a knack for designing web pages that truly captivate your customers and inspire them to willingly share their email addresses with you. How do I achieve this? Well, I specialize in creating something called a "lead magnet." This special offering of free value without strings attached is a freebie or valuable resource that I help you create to provide to your visitors as a token of appreciation for their email addresses.

It's a mutually beneficial arrangement! Your customers receive something of value, while you get to build a robust email list for your business. If you are at (are went) to the Meet You in Kentucky Event 2023 I created the Landing page and email automation using Awebber for Whitney Owens. You can see the Landing page and get her Enneagram Cheatsheet below. It's also embedded to the right. 

View the Landing Page

Workbooks and Handouts

I love using Canva Pro for making workbooks because it's super easy to use. The templates they provide are so handy and intuitive that I can save a ton of time. Their library is packed with awesome images, graphics, videos, and more!

When I work on my workbooks in Canva Pro, it gives me a real sense of power and creativity. I feel like I have the tools to bring my ideas to life just the way I imagine them. It's a pretty amazing feeling to see my concepts come together in such a professional and eye-catching way. 

The best part of using Canva Pro for workbook creation is solving the puzzle of organizing the content in a way that is useful and eye-catching. It is a challenge to bring great concepts to life in a simple-to-read and understandable layout. Canva contains user-friendly tools and templates so I don't spend time fighting the program. I can spend my time making sure everything aligns perfectly with the workbook's content and purpose.

 Click the images below to download the workbooks. If you happen to like the workbook please sign up for their email list for more great information. 

Powerpoints, Presentations, and Research

I really enjoy creating presentations that make a strong impression. I find great interest in carefully outlining ideas and making sure the visuals match the overall theme. It feels really good when my slides help me present smoothly and effectively. Seeing the audience understand my ideas and stay engaged brings me a sense of joy that's hard to put into words. I enjoy the challenge of simplifying complex concepts using the right words and images to make a meaningful impact. It's the satisfaction of a job well done and the opportunity to make a difference that keeps my passion for creating compelling presentations alive. I frequently use Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides, and a new favorite Canva Pro to create engaging presentations.

Along with presentations come research tasks. I love to hunt for quotes, data, books, and web pages that make good points great.  

Making Bank with private pay clients.pptx by James Marland for Whitney Owens Consulting

Get Help Producing Your Content

I live to bring good content to life. If you are struggling with finding the time to get the ideas out of your head and into the hands of your clients, I can help you. 

Services Offered

Social Media Posts

Once again I use Canva Pro to make engaging social media content for podcasts. This involves me taking quotes or concepts from the show and creating a bite-sized snack of the show. I love to distill one key element that demonstrates the value of the show and present it creatively and visually. Currently, I do Social Posts for the Wise Practice Podcast, Soul Care for Therapists, and my Show the Scaling therapy Practice. 

SC 85 Post 2 by James Marland for Soul Care For Therapists

5 Ways to Use Policy by James Marland

STP 24 Adding a Niche to your Private Practice by James Marland

#84 by James Marland for Soul Care For Therapists

WP 28 by James Marland for the Wise Practice Podcast

5 red Flags by James Marland for the Wise Practice Podcast

Online Course Creation

I love to help people take their good content and turn it into resources that help other people. Online courses are my favorite way to help therapists and professional helpers get their skills out of their heads and into the hands and hearts of the people who need to be helped the most. I have a sample class on using AI to speed up content creation you can get for free here. I also run a course to help beginners master the skills of launching an online course business covering idea formation to automatic profit generation. You can find the Beginner's Guide For Creating Knowledge Income here.

Use AI to Make Content Quicker

Do More with AI Powered Content by James Marland

Get Help Producing Your Content

I live to bring good content to life. If you are struggling with finding the time to get the ideas out of your head and into the hands of your clients, I can help you. 

Services Offered