STP 107 | Learn to Love Marketing with 3 Reframes to make selling feel less gross
[00:00:00] And marketing is helping. You're helping people. You're not bothering them. You don't need to change who you are to grow your audience. You just need to reframe in your mind how you show up with service, generosity, and building trust.
Speaker 3: Hi friend. Welcome to the scaling therapy practice. I'm James Marland, your course creation coach.
I'm here to help
Speaker: therapists who want to scale their reach with effective online courses.
Speaker 3: I'll share with you all the tools, tips,
and technology I've learned along the way that will help you put your mission in motion.
Before we dive into today's episode, I want to warmly invite you to a free learning event. I'm hosting with Joey Ragona. I. He is the [00:01:00] founder of Strategic Business Coaching. He's a Clarity master and he's gonna teach us some skills on how to find and get an audience ready to buy. If you're a coach, a therapist, or just somebody who's a mission-driven creator and you feel stuck or you're not sure who you, who you are talking to, Hey, this webinar is from you.
For you. It's not from you, it's for you. And it's happening March 24th at 1:00 PM Eastern, and you're gonna walk away with just some real clarity and a plan that you can use to connect and start conversations with the people who would love to buy something from you. So go to the show notes for this episode.
And you'll find the link there also, it'll, it'll be on the homepage, of course, creation, or actually it's courses dot course creation I mean, I'm in the process of changing over some webpage stuff, so it's courses [00:02:00] dot course creation
There'll be a popup banner that will get you right to that webinar. You're gonna love it. Joey's great. He'll cut through. If you're struggling with who, how to talk to your ideal client and the message you can, you the message you need to start sharing. Joey's gonna give you some great ideas, so join that webinar.
I've learned so much from him. Uh, I just, I just want you to experience some of what I've had by listening to him and get some clarity on who your ideal customer is. I don't wanna annoy people with emails. I help people. Marketing feels manipulative. I wanna reach more people, but every time I think about marketing or selling, it just feels gross. Does that sound familiar? Because if you're a mission-driven therapist or coach, you've probably wrestled with that tension.
James Marland: You wanna help people, but getting your [00:03:00] message out and marketing just feels like, like it's not a good fit for you in this episode. We're gonna flip the script and I'll walk you through three simple, but powerful reframes that help make selling feel less awkward and more like serving.
Hey there. I'm James Marland, course Creation coach, and this is the scaling therapy practice. This is the show that helps people centered, therapists, coaches, and experts turn what they know into sellable products that can fund their bigger purpose. Today's episode is all about changing how we think about marketing and selling.
These aren't tricks. They are honest mindset shifts that help you grow your audience and your income all without losing your integrity as a helper. Before we begin, I wanted to review scaling therapy practice episode 1 0 7, where I talked about three principles of getting on more sales calls. [00:04:00] One was be patient, two was be a person, and three was be persistent and present. Just keep showing up. So if you're, you're wondering about how to get people onto these calls, go back to 1 0 7.
Today we're gonna talk about the three reframes. Let's get into it.
There are three reframes that's gonna help you with your marketing message. The first is marketing is not selling. It's serving. You have to shift from the belief that you're selling something. Instead, you're, you are showing up to help them. The example of this is if you, if you're in the rainstorm and you have an umbrella that's keeping you from being wet, and you see somebody standing next to you and they're getting drenched, you can like look at them and like offer your umbrella.
And I see if they want to step inside the umbrella with you, you're not selling them the umbrella. You're showing them [00:05:00] how you can help. It's, it's kind of difficult to, to shift from that selling mindset. That that marketing and your product is actually a service rather that, that people really want rather than a manipulation or that somebody's trying to get one over on you.
'cause often that's, that's sort of the marketing that we're used to, right? Like people are trying to get the most from us. They're not trying to serve us. They're trying, they're not trying to help us with our. With our world and with our problems they're trying to take from us, but that's not what a mission-driven or a people-centered helper does.
They're trying to serve other people and help them. And so this would be something like you have a PDF of journaling prompts on your webpage. You're not forcing anybody to. Take these very useful journaling prompts. [00:06:00] You're just offering it. You're holding out the umbrella, Hey, this might help you with your problem.
They click it, give you their email list, and then download it, and then later they, they book a call with you because they found out that you have useful things for them to learn and useful things that they want, and that they need, and you are helpful. you are serving instead of selling. And when you think about selling and marketing that way, where you're actually just trying to help people get the most out of their life or get the most out of what they're doing or solve their problems, it's really awesome when you think about it that way.
So just think about the first reframe that marketing is showing up with something useful when somebody needs it the most. The second reframe is marketing is not coercion. It's a connection. And the belief you have to [00:07:00] change here is that you're not, you're not running to people and chasing them and saying, buy my stuff.
Buy my stuff. It's actually a relationship. It's a connection. You are on a journey with them. I like to think about marketing as putting up a sign in the window. Ask and, and saying, Hey, I made something for you. Do you want to come take a look at it? The people who want that are going to look, you're inviting them in you're, you're trying to let people know that you are there, that you can solve their problem.
When you think about, one of the things that we do is we build email lists. And a lot, a lot of people are like, oh, why do I need an email list? Why do I want to have all these people on the email list? And the traditional way that many, pushy marketers will tell you is get people on your email list.
Email them every day until they either [00:08:00] buy something from you or unsubscribe. That is more focused on what you, the seller can get out of the list. I don't know how many things I've signed up for, or people try to connect and sell things for me, and it's, it's, it's like an immediate offer, an immediate push to do something, and I'm not, I'm just not ready for it.
what you're doing in your marketing. You're really just building that connection. You're not coercing, coercing, coercing, coercing. You are not coercing people. You're trying to build that authentic connection, and when you reframe marketing that way, it's a lot less gross, right? It's a lot less pushy.
You're actually trying to build a relationship with people so that when they need what you have. you're there and they think of you and they're ready to buy. That first freebie is not a [00:09:00] trap. You know that first thing they download from you? Let that journaling prompt. It's not a trap to trap them in your email list and then market the market them until they hate you and email them until they hate you.
It's, it's actually a door. It's like an invitation. It's an open door. Walk in, I can help you browse around, let's chat and develop a relationship. So the reframe here is marketing's not a coercion, it's a connection. And a great offer is just an invitation to to, to keep that connection going. The third reframe for marketing is marketing's not harassing.
It's helping. This was one of the big things for me. Um. The belief mindset is if I tell people I'm selling something that I'm, I'm actually bothering them. That's why actually, that's one of the big that's one of the big negative thoughts in, in my automatic negative thoughts. That's CBTI think if I remember, it's [00:10:00] been a long time.
And I'm not a therapist, so, but some of my training was like. Everybody has automatic negative thoughts. And one of mine is if I, if I offer, tell somebody I have something to sell them, you know, and I use the word sell there, not serve, I. I have something to sell to them. I'm really bothering them.
I'm harassing them, and they're going to not, they're gonna, they're gonna think I'm a sleazeball car salesman instead of somebody that has something to help them. But marketing's not harassment. When you think about you're, you're serving people and you're inviting them into a connection with you, it's actually not harassment.
It's helping. The belief shift you have to have is you're not annoying people. You're actually giving them something that they really need. Like, like there are people who need what you offer and they actually need it in the way you offer it. There are other people that do what you do, but there's only one.
[00:11:00] You, and there are some people out there I like to think of. There's somebody out there now who needs the message that I'm sharing in the, just the right way that James Marlin shares it. And by not sharing my message, I'm not helping them. In fact, they're looking for me. My core audience is looking for me, and I'm trying to share with something they actually need.
Now, one of the, one of the examples here of harassing messages that I find very annoying is unskipable ads. Either on social media or they're on YouTube now all the time. Now, if you notice, YouTube lets you skip it after three to five seconds most of the time, which is much less harassing than the 10, 15 30 sec Unskipable ads.
But the most egregious ad that I, that that annoys me all the time and actually changed my behavior was the [00:12:00] Unskipable ads at the. The grocery store, gas station. When you, when you pick up the pump and you hit, I wanna buy and add blares at, you know, too many decibels and it talks all about like what to buy and what to buy.
And there's sales and I'm just like, I don't want, I, I wanna pump my gas, I don't wanna listen to an ad. And I stopped going to that gas station for at least a year. And when I, when I came back once they had turned down the volume, but they lost out on my business for a long time and I complained about it.
I feel like the old man, you know, get off my lawn type of thing. But I complained about it and I went into the, I actually went to the service desk and I said, these ads are unskipable, you're, you're making me listen to them. At least give me a button to push it where I. I can turn down the volume or turn off the volume, [00:13:00] but that was harassment to me, and I don't like harassment, and I chose not to go to that store and to this day, if there's a better option or a better price or a better gas option, even if something's slightly more expensive, I'm gonna buy from the different gas station because they're harassing and not helping.
But you have to come in if you are listening to this, if you're coming into this with the mindset of your serving and you are building, connect a connection, plus you are, patient, you're person, and you're just, you're present.
You're going to get more you're, it's gonna feel better because you're not. You're not gross in marketing, you're not harassing, you're helping people. And the people who who need you will tune in. The people who, you share your message with. It's not a harassment to them because they need you. And if you've shown that you're, you're a patient [00:14:00] and you respect their journey and you're a person just like they are, they're, they're not gonna treat you like that Unskipable ad.
They're, they're gonna be glued in. When you present your offer, they're gonna be glued in because you've already demonstrated that you're in it to serve them. Those are things that aren't harassing. They're actually helping because your core audience, who you've clearly identified who you're serving, they're gonna be like, you're reading my mind. How do you know this about me? How do you answer this question?
And they're gonna eat up what you serve as long as you're doing it in a way that is serving, not selling, and patient and not pushy. So the takeaway here is real marketing is thoughtful, timely, help, not noise. So let's recap. Marketing is a service. You're showing up to help, not to push. Marketing is in an invitation.
You're [00:15:00] offering to help people, not chasing them. And marketing is helping. You're helping people. You're not bothering them. You don't need to change who you are to grow your audience. You just need to reframe in your mind how you show up with service, generosity, and building trust. So if you've enjoyed today's episode and it's helped you rethink your approach to marketing, the next step is gonna be easy.
I want you to go to course creation and look at some of the tools that we are offering to help you get support. For your launching your mission or clarifying your mission. In fact, one of the things I wanna really highlight to you, and you heard it at the top of the show, is next Monday the 24th, we're gonna, we're gonna offer a free webinar called How to Find and Get an Audience Ready to Buy. It's a one hour webinar. It's free [00:16:00] with Joey Ragona. He's a business coach and clarity expert, and he's gonna teach us on why most online ideas and products fail and how to avoid these mistakes.
How to guarantee your product will sell before you build it. The power of pre-selling, done the right way by simplicity, beats complexity, and how to finally identify your audience with clarity and confidence. If you're starting to have an I at the beginnings of an idea of who you wanna serve and the mission you wanna go for, and you're looking to really dial in on the clarity, please attend this event.
If somebody's talked to you recently about, well, how do I, how do I share, how do I clarify what I'm doing and how do I break? Get self it, you know, how do I actually clearly communicate to people and sell my product to fund my mission? If, if somebody has talked to you about that, just share this with them.
Just go to course creation Go to the homepage [00:17:00] at actually it's course dot course creation I'm changing my webpage. So courses dot course creation And. Go to, go to today's episode. It's episode 1 0 8. Or there's a, there's a popup that pops up in three seconds.
Sign up for that and you will, you are gonna be amazed about the insight Joey brings to you about clarity who, who to serve, and how you can attract them. Don't miss it.
Okay, so thanks for listening to the show. Remember to reframe when you're starting to think that selling is gross, and selling is manipulative, and selling is coercion. Just reframe it. Be more human. Be a helper, be a server, be a Go-Giver and put your, and now it's time to put your mission in motion.