STP 105 | How to Kick Off Your Course Podcast Successfully on the First Try
Andrew Chapman: [00:00:00] And it was one of those things that just kind of rung a bell and struck a note with me that I was absolutely not prepared for. And something called on me and said, you need to pursue this. And you've had those moments, uh, whatever higher power force you believe you sometimes get those messages where you just realize I need to listen to this and pursue it.
And I did. And it was funny because something just said, I'm going to get this if I just take the steps necessary.
Speaker 3: Hi friend. Welcome to the scaling therapy practice. I'm James Marland, your course creation coach.
I'm here to help
Speaker: therapists who want to scale their reach with effective online courses.
Speaker 3: I'll share with you all the tools, tips,
and technology I've learned along the way that will help you put your mission in motion.
Speaker 5: The world is waiting for someone like you to take action. [00:01:00] Hi, friend. Very excited to let you know that we're gonna do another webinar with an expert this Friday, February 28th at 10:30 AM Eastern Standard Time. It's gonna be a transformational webinar on leveraging AI and course creation. It will be with me James Marland and author and digital strategist Jay Allison.
Now this is just isn't a webinar on prompts and how to use chat, GPT. It's actually a webinar on how to use AI in the different areas of your business. So we'll dive into topics like how AI can help you streamline your practices, improve your customer support, and even develop new revenue streams, like online courses, or marketing like podcasting.
So secure your spot today. Go to www [00:02:00] course creation with J Now for today's show, we're gonna be exploring podcasting. Podcasting, as you know, is a dynamic tool that can help you do many wonderful things, build an audience, showcase your expertise, network with other thought leaders, and even build a community of listeners. Joining us today is gonna be Andrew Chapman.
He's a podcasting marketing group guru from me, CFM. He actually produces and manages several podcasts on me c fm, and you actually should go check out the uh, me c fm page. There'll be a link in the show notes and also their YouTube channel if you're into course creation. If you're into coaching.
They, they, uh, they have a whole station of wonderful shows. So, uh, I'm really happy and fortunate that I met Andrew in person and we hit it [00:03:00] off and we started a conversation. So join us today with Well, where he goes through some tips and tricks on how to leverage podcasting to help you reach your audience and grow your business
james_1_01-09-2025_113940: So, hello and welcome to the Scaling Therapy Practice. This is James Miland, your host. This is the show where we empower mission driven leaders to launch life changing online courses. I'm really happy that you're here today because we have a special guest, Andrew Chapman. He's the director of podcast marketing, uh, podcasting at Maricy FM.
And Man, I, I met him at a mastermind and in person, really a real live in person mastermind where we went to an actual place and talked to each other. And we had a really great conversation about podcasting and marketing and courses. And he just has a wealth of information to share with the audience about podcasting and marketing and things to [00:04:00] do that are, uh, able to help you promote your show or promote your course.
So Andrew, welcome to the show.
Andrew Chapman: Hello there. Thanks for having me. I appreciate it, James.
james_1_01-09-2025_113940: Yeah. Um, you, you ha you come from a wealth of information. You also work for Marcy, which is a business accelerator course creation company. They also do podcasts. They have several awesome podcasts on there. station. So, uh, but Andrew, how, tell me your journey of how you became, came to work there. You have a lot of, uh, history there.
What's, uh, what's your story?
Andrew Chapman: Yeah, it was a, it was a bit of an accidental thing. It was, uh, you know, something funny happened on the way, kind of a story. But, uh, my background was actually in book publishing, uh, where I had worked for just above 35 years in just about every capacity, I was an author, a publisher, consultant, I led an association for publishing.
Book publishing related professionals on and on and on speaker and so forth [00:05:00] did that for a long time. And then, um, several years ago, I was, you know, kind of in the roughly pandemic era of things where everybody's trying to figure out what they want to do in life. But really prior to that, I was also kind of coming to a sense of, Of stagnation in my work.
And it was kind of like I'd done most everything I wanted to do, but what do I want to do next? older, trying to figure, well, what's my legacy? What do I want to do that? It leaves a bigger mark and a better mark. I ended up discovering Miracy as you had alluded to, which is an online Uh, education company really. And, uh, I learned about the concept of course creation and I kind of knew about online courses and I'd done a lot of teaching in the publishing realm of things, um, working in various capacities, teaching in person, but the idea of doing online courses was. Pretty much new to me. And then with the pandemic, of course, that all exploded.
And I thought, wow, this, this could really be the next turn for me. I jumped into the Miracy [00:06:00] universe, uh, what we call the mirror verse and, uh, taking courses and I joined their teach your gift, uh, program, membership program, attended live events on and on and on. And I was kind of getting my hands around what I want to do in course creation, because as you know, and as your listeners know, there's a lot that you can choose from.
I mean, it just, if you say, I want to be a course creator, that's just the beginning. What are you going to teach on? How are you going to teach? What's the format going to be? Who's your audience going to be? I mean, it just goes on and on and on, and that could lead to analysis paralysis. So I admit to a bit of that in my process, but I also did want to get it right. You know, one of the things as you, you get older, you realize, well, I don't have as much time. So you try to be a bit more efficient about what you choose to do. And you don't want to spread yourself too far. as I said, funny thing happened on the way. And in the midst of being a student at Mira C. I got notification that they were looking for somebody to join the podcast team. I thought, wow, [00:07:00] that is interesting. And it was one of those things that just kind of rung a bell and struck a note with me that I was absolutely not prepared for. And something called on me and said, you need to pursue this. And you've had those moments, uh, whatever higher power force you believe you sometimes get those messages where you just realize I need to listen to this and pursue it.
And I did. And it was funny because something just said, I'm going to get this if I just take the steps necessary. And I did. And, um, in, in January of I was asked to join the team and I was a podcast writer, uh, which is a little bit of an awkward term because we don't write, we don't script our shows quite to the degree that you would think a podcast writer would script them. It's not like an NPR or, you know, uh, some of these other shows that, that are heavily, heavily scripted. We do a bit of that. We do some scripting. So it's a lot of ancillary writing, as you know, show notes and all the stuff that goes around the actual podcast itself [00:08:00] did that and, uh, got better and better.
And I was under the, the, uh, leadership of our director at the time. And she trained me very well and got me up to speed. And then this past summer in June, um, the director, uh, who really created the podcast network for the most part, almost single handedly herself, um, Uh, her name is Cynthia lamb. Uh, she decided to move on.
She's got some other things she wants to pursue and that left an opening. And they said, do you want to jump in? And it was right a day before my birthday. it was just such a strange turn of events to have that occur in the midst of some other things happening. But. Again, I was called on and said, I think I need to take up on this.
And since June of this past year, I've been the director of podcasting at Mira CFM,
james_1_01-09-2025_113940: you're talking about, uh, an opportunity opened up and you had the chance to walk through the door. Talk about that sort of like [00:09:00] that, that, that moment there
Andrew Chapman: um, it was unnerving I felt like I wasn't ready, I felt like I'd only been there for just over at that point, almost a year and a half. Did I know enough? I had not been exposed to everything there was to know. It was all of that insecurity that you get. And thankfully, having been a student in Miracy, um, both as an actual student and also as an employee student, so to speak, I realized you're never ready.
James Marland: Yeah.
Andrew Chapman: always more you need to know. There's always more you could learn. There's always, you're just, you're just never always fully ready.
You have to feel the fear and step into it regardless. And that's what I did. I just said, okay. I'm going to make this work. I trust they trust in me. So I will trust in myself I can figure things out. And one of the great things about the company is they're, they're firm believers in figuring things out. They don't espouse the idea of having to know everything [00:10:00] up front and. fact, going through their application process, they don't even have you turn in a resume or anything. They just basically are assessing you as a learner because they believe if you're a learner and someone who can, uh, continually improve, you're going to be an ideal person to work with them. And so that kind of company ethos was very much in my mind. And I said, no, I need to really jump on this. It was exciting. Don't get me wrong. It was just at the same time, a bit unnerving.
james_1_01-09-2025_113940: Yeah. Um, yeah, the, they, they, uh, they do have a really good, uh, company culture where, you know, you gotta. You got to take action, like you can't just sit on the sidelines, you got to take action and do things. So now you're, you're, um, describe briefly before we get into like talking about some lessons, what, what is a Marcy FM and what do you, what is your day to day job now?
Andrew Chapman: A mere CFM comprises 13 shows that are either legacy shows [00:11:00] or currently active shows. Uh, so we have two shows that ran as limited series. They were eight episodes a piece. And then every other show is effectively an ongoing show. As long as the host is interested
james_1_01-09-2025_113940: Mm hmm.
Andrew Chapman: we have a combination of in house shows and we have client shows. so the in house shows, as you would imagine, are very much built around trying to raise awareness about Miracy, trying to
james_1_01-09-2025_113940: Uh, yeah.
Andrew Chapman: an extension of what we teach as a company. And then the client shows are exactly what you would imagine. Those are shows where we do the production and all the work for the clients that are interested in having their own show, but they don't want to do all the production. They're, you know, these are busy entrepreneurs who've got enough on their plate without having to go through all the rigmarole of creating a podcast. Um, as you full well know,
james_1_01-09-2025_113940: yeah,
Andrew Chapman: it can be difficult and they make a strategic decision to just go ahead and offload that to us. While they pursue their core competency and [00:12:00] entrepreneurship. um, and then that, that basically is what we're doing. We're looking to expand. We have two new shows that are in the production, pre production at this point to launch this year. We've got some other ones that we're looking at starting as well. And the day to day activity, uh, gosh, you know, you know, the answer to that is a little bit amorphous.
It's, um, you know, it's everything and everything that comes up at the moment. It's keeping for me, it's keeping on top of the productions, the Of all of the different shows and where we're at looking at the marketing and looking at the vision and the forward focus of what we're going to be doing in the upcoming months to a year. Um, I have a wonderful team that's with me, so I'm certainly not doing it by myself. And, they, so, so part of my work is to more or less keep on top of what they're all doing. then I also have a couple of shows that I produce myself personally. So, um, I'm responsible for keeping those shows going and making sure that the production and the edits and the, the, uh, The, those shows stay on track [00:13:00] and we continue to get guests, which is of course, always an ever, ever stretching, uh, task,
james_1_01-09-2025_113940: yeah. Okay. So you mentioned a couple things that we're going to focus focus in on as we were doing a little pre production. We're talking about what you know, if you if you're going to use a podcast, how do you do that? How do you market it or lessons learned in marketing? Some of them were probably coming from your book publishing and all that.
And some of them are probably going to come from experience and some painful things. Uh, so, um, and then you also talked about vision and strategy for podcasting. So we're going to hit those topics, um, today and get and try to glean some information. Um, Um, for people who are thinking about podcasting, using podcasting as a tool for marketing.
So, uh, Andrew, what are some of the lessons you've learned, uh, in your experience that from your, from your [00:14:00] book publishing days, but also as you're doing the podcasting, what are some of those lessons that we can use for our own podcasts or our marketing strategy?
Andrew Chapman: Yeah. I would say the, the main lesson, and it's interesting that you tie those two together, because as much as I felt like going into podcasting was something very left turn and. You know, not what I expected. It actually has drawn very much from what I had learned through my career in book publishing. in both cases, we're talking about communication. We're talking about reaching out to people, selling a product that people enjoy in some media capacity, building an audience and trying to capitalize on that success in whatever way is necessary. And luckily I primarily worked with entrepreneur authors and self publishers who are looking to use their book to build their business or looking to use their book as a calling card. in some ways a podcast serves the same purpose. So it's just a different medium for effectively very much the same goal. in drawing from that, the first [00:15:00] thing that comes to mind is the world is enormous. There are lots and lots of people out there and that is both good and bad. It's intimidating because you feel like I have to reach so many people and there's just such a huge world out there.
How can I reach everybody? the same time, it's comforting because you come to realize that it is a huge world and there's room for all of us and your success isn't predicated on being the biggest and best and most widely known. Podcast or course creator. It's just simply for you to be, as Seth Godin says, famous to the family. You just need to have your own selection of whatever you find to be the most important people that follow what you're doing and be famous to them. And you probably know about Kevin Kelly's thousand true fans. And that's another way of kind of putting it is that you can build a very successful business practice, following cause, whatever you're trying to achieve, really by having a. More selective not as big [00:16:00] as you think group of people who are interested in, uh, what you're trying to pursue and gaining their attention through trust, gaining their attention through what you have to share and doing it, whether it's a podcast or a book. And so the biggest lesson, as I tie to that is just simply reminding yourself that. The world is a big place. You don't have to conquer it all. You just need to conquer the one little part that matters to you the most.
james_1_01-09-2025_113940: So you mentioned a couple things that I'm going to pick up a little bit. One is the podcast is a calling card for a greater offer. You mean I can't make thousands of dollars every episode when I just publish it?
Andrew Chapman: Are you,
james_1_01-09-2025_113940: No,
Andrew Chapman: we're, we're, we're not.
james_1_01-09-2025_113940: I know like, Oh, I'll publish it and I'll get these sponsors and you know, you know, uh, my pipeline will fill up.
Andrew Chapman: Oh[00:17:00]
james_1_01-09-2025_113940: Instantly, like those are the dreams, like, but you called it, you called it something that I think is better, a better illustration. It's a calling card. Like it's a, it's a piece of information that lets people know a core thing about you and how to connect with you in a deeper way.
Like, and, and, um, I think, uh, podcasts are great. They're, they're not very difficult to start the tools. Like the tools we have now
Andrew Chapman: Yeah.
james_1_01-09-2025_113940: are just amazing, you know, for 20 I can, I have a recording studio, like, you know,
Andrew Chapman: Oh, oh, it's, it's, it's astonishing. absolutely is.
james_1_01-09-2025_113940: so it's easy to do, but the, the, the, um, doing it initially anyways, because, oh, I'm going to make money. And, you know, uh, all, all I have to do is produce the [00:18:00] show and everybody will come to my. You know, come to my webpage because it's on the internet now. And I have a podcast that's. It's not, um, that, that hasn't been my experience and I, I belong to a podcast network and that, that, you know, it helps them, but it's not their experience either, because what do we talk about almost every month we talk about, well, advertisers and how do we get sponsors and how do we grow our audience?
And that's like, You know, every, every, every month we're talking about that and growing. So, um, do you, when people come to you to pitch a show, do they, do they have that fallacy fallacy of, uh, thinking, Oh, this is going to solve all my problems.
Andrew Chapman: Yeah. Uh, yes, I think that is a very, very common thing because it's exactly what you said at the start in the sense that. People feel like the purpose of the podcast is to build an audience, and then you will have enough followers. You have listeners, or if you're on YouTube, you'll have viewers, and [00:19:00] that will translate to ad revenue or sponsorship revenue. And you can choose that path if you want. And again, going back to the analogy of book publishing, you can choose that as well in terms of, I want to sell a million copies or a hundred thousand copies or whatever. Understand, however, that if you choose to go that path, it's, it's really rarefied air that you're going to be in if you accomplish those things. And that's okay. It's just a choice. And if that's what you want to do, go, go, go, go, go. However, it is quite the climb. And now of course the competition is much greater than it was 15 years ago, even as open as the podcast market is like. We still haven't even reached anything close to a saturation point, which is hard to believe, but that's because largely, as you, you know, I mean, most podcasts last two, three, four episodes and then the person's done. So, you know, there's, it's a long tail situation where the vast majority are really not even amounting to
james_1_01-09-2025_113940: Yeah.
Andrew Chapman: Sort of take up room, so to speak. [00:20:00] the idea is what do you want to accomplish with the podcast and how can it serve you? And if you choose to put aside listenership and being famous and all the things that we tend to get most attracted to, because we think that's the solution, how can you monetize?
We'll just talk about it from a financial perspective. How can you monetize? end of the podcast. So instead of trying to rely on making money through ad revenue, which as it's poultry, I mean, you have to have many, many tens of thousands of consistent downloads before you're going to be even earning a relatively small amount of money.
You're not going to be paying the rent. You're not going to be paying your, you know, your car insurance or whatever, until you've got lots and lots of people that are consistently downloading and listening or watching on YouTube. then sponsorship is even more tricky. I mean, you can get a lot of low level sponsors. That maybe don't mean anything to you, but that's not going to build you a good listenership. The listenership wants to have sponsors that are meaningful to them that are authentic to [00:21:00] you. And so that's a difficult lift there as well. And again, you're not going to get much out of it. So the way we've followed things at Mira CFM and what I think tends to be best, especially for your listenership is the podcast in support of a backend situation.
And that might be. Uh, a coaching practice, example, therapy practice, it could be a course creator, basically whatever your business happens to be, what can you offer that is singular and very obvious in the way that you convey your information as a thought leader through your podcast. as you're communicating in your podcast, there is something that's going to resonate with people about you. They're going to come to realize that this is what is your sort of special sauce. And ideally that's what will connect to whatever your offer might happen to be. And of course that can vary from just about every listener that you have here today, um, listening to the show [00:22:00] as to what that might be for them in particular.
james_1_01-09-2025_113940: So we're talking about strategy, I guess, or like, why, why are you doing it? Because, um, you know, if it's not, if you're doing your podcast, you know, I guess there's different ways to do the podcast, right? Like models for strategy and models to accomplish your goals. Um, you started talking about that with the, with the, um, yeah, having guests on that, uh, that support your, your mission or that support what's going on, what are some other models for.
For podcasting, I
Andrew Chapman: Well, you obviously have the direct to listener type, um, which is very difficult. So that's where you have the podcast host speaking directly to the listener. There isn't an interview happening. um, are many examples of those that are out there that, require, I think that's [00:23:00] one of the most difficult because you have to have a lot of good material, you have to be able to say things that people are very interested in, and you have to be very engaging in it. I used Seth Godin, I mentioned Seth Godin earlier. He's a great example. His podcast rarely ever has guests. It's, it's him talking. He has the ability to do that. And very few people do, excuse me, burping. So we'll say that again.
james_1_01-09-2025_113940: was thinking about, uh, back in the day, not quite much anymore, but I used to listen to a lot of sports casters. And there were some shows that had, um, guests on all the time. And then there were others like Colin cowherd. He just talks. He just talks and talks and talks stream of. stream of ideas, stream of opinions, hardly any guests when I was listening to the show.
And I was like, I was just amazed at that type of ability to, to think off the top of the head, to have so much content. Um, it [00:24:00] was, uh, those, the, to me that that's scary, a little scary, a little frightening. to be able to talk for, he, he would talk for four hours. I think it was like a four hour show. Just talk, talk, talk all about the content of the now sports generally has a lot of going on.
Um, and a lot of news, but, and a lot of opinions. There's, there's a lot of opinions in sports. So, so talking directly to the audience one on one, what are some other, what are some other models?
Andrew Chapman: Well, you also have the, of course, interview like we
james_1_01-09-2025_113940: Mm
Andrew Chapman: Um, and that is generally the best in the sense that it can create a lot of what you need, because the, I mean, it takes a lot to be a good host, but it's, it's But the weight of the show is largely on the guest.
james_1_01-09-2025_113940: hmm.
Andrew Chapman: so if you can pick good guests, you will theoretically have a good show. Now you do have to ask good questions and you have to edit it well, and there's other things that go into that, but it's nice because it [00:25:00] does take a lot of the weight off of you versus as you were talking about, um, previously, the next type of show would be. Scripted. I, so I talked about how we don't really do very scripted shows at Miracy.
And these are the higher level production quality and effort that goes into it. So an example might be going out into the world and doing a show. And this one, I'm trying to think of an example that would tie into your audience as course creators, but that's a little bit difficult, but an example of, of where you were to go, like. Go back to my book publishing days. If I were to do a podcast related to that, I might go to printers. I might go to distributors. I might go out there into the world to the various service providers that you have and go onto their site location in person, talk about how the printing press works, talk about the, you know, do that type of a thing where you're out in the real world talking with people. The other way you can set up a [00:26:00] podcast format that's challenging for a different reason I'll get to in a second, which is kind of the round table. Um, discussion forum, that's a really, really good one, because if you can just simply moderate meaning kind of keep everything on track and heard the cats, that can be very successful. However, it's difficult because you've got to get anywhere from, you know, two, three, four, five people scheduled.
james_1_01-09-2025_113940: Yeah,
Andrew Chapman: And that can be difficult in itself because you want good guests and the good guests are going to be busy. And now do you get them all at the same time? And
james_1_01-09-2025_113940: that about a year ago and it was great. It was a good round table, but just what you were saying, getting everybody together and schedules and conflicts. And you know, if, if you have four people shined up for a round table, but only one person shows up, well now it's just an interview. So it's sort of like, do you keep going with that?
Even though you promised a round table, like it, it, it was, it was a great experience. I would do it again, but it [00:27:00] was logistically a little more difficult than, Hey, everybody, let's show up and talk.
Andrew Chapman: Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Yeah. The table's not very round when there's only one, one person on the other side. Um, and then the last thing related to formatting, I guess, would be sort of the structure of the show in terms of, so you can have an interview show, but then how is the interview show structured?
So you could have a show that starts with you presenting for five minutes by yourself. the host talking about the topic of the
james_1_01-09-2025_113940: Mm hmm.
Andrew Chapman: the stage for the
james_1_01-09-2025_113940: Mm hmm.
Andrew Chapman: have the interview go for, say, 15 or 20 minutes, and then maybe have some takeaway points, and you could also have a show where you do a combination of things.
You might have, uh, a talk about the topic of the day. Or a topic that you've got going on in the news, which ties back to what you were saying about sports. This is a really common sports format. Let's talk about the topic of the day. Then we might have a guest on, or we might have two guests on. And then we go into that sort of interview format there.
So it's kind of a [00:28:00] mix. then the last thing would be, of course, a show where you have two hosts. And those can work very, very well. I've got a friend who does a podcast. They've passed their 400th episode, in fact, and done very, very well because the two of them play off of each other perfectly. And, um, anybody who's had a, a lot of people have best friend are like, Oh, we should do a podcast.
We should do a podcast. And it's a very natural thing. If the two of you have that kind of chemistry. I would say off the top of my head, that's probably the last format that comes to mind in terms of, uh, what someone might do.
james_1_01-09-2025_113940: Well, neat. That was, um, interesting about talking about the different ways or strategies you do about to do a podcast. I'm, I'm wondering, um, as we're thinking about wrapping up here, if somebody wants to create a podcast for promoting their show, promoting their course, like the, the, the show is the calling card.
Do you have any tips or like what [00:29:00] is working for Marcy or what have you seen working in the past that you're trying to emulate in your, in your practice? Like if somebody wanted to get started with a podcast for their course, what would they do?
Andrew Chapman: Yeah, I think the. Here's, here's what I would suggest off the top of my head. If someone was in a course creator mode, I would think at first about doing a limited series,
james_1_01-09-2025_113940: Hmm.
Andrew Chapman: perhaps eight to 10 to 12 episodes. And there's two reasons for that. Number one, it gives you a chance to try it out without the feeling of failure.
If you decide to stop after several episodes, because you've already put an end point on it. Um, secondly, it's a great way to break down material. So if you have a course creator, who's got say eight modules in their course, well, guess what? You've got one module per episode that you could talk on it creates a very natural structure that you've already created with your course that you can [00:30:00] then parlay into the podcast. Now, if you want to add on an interview. know, it really depends on, again, going back to what we said before about personality and your own particular skill. If you feel like you can carry it very well yourself, perhaps you're a public speaker or a professional speaker. You might be able to go ahead and do those eight episodes or 10 episodes yourself, have no interviews or anything else. But if you feel like that's a bit of a weight to carry for your, for your own um, situation, then go ahead and identify guests who could come in and that you could interview related to your. Individual episode topic that again, ties back to your course.
james_1_01-09-2025_113940: Yeah, that limited series ideas is good. I've heard other people share about that as well, but it also it's evergreen, like it's out there. People Google your name or search for your name or put it in your iTunes or Spotify player. It's, it's going to be there, like your topic, your name and Your expertise, and it's a great way to be discovered just just by having it out there.[00:31:00]
And I also like the idea of, you know, the end point. Oh, my word. Like, oh, I'm going to start a podcast and do it forever. And, oh, it's a lot of work. Now, you know, then you feel like a failure. And it's, uh, you know, but you, if you're, if you're passionate about your topic, you could probably talk about it for eight episodes and make an outline.
And that doesn't mean you have to talk for 30 minutes or an hour on it. You could have eight, 15 minute episodes, eight, eight, eight minute episodes, you know, Just like, just talk about it, introduce the topic, say why it's important, tell people how they can find you and thank them for listening. And there you go.
Like that's your, that's your show. Like I really do like that limited series, um, thing. And I know with, with Kajabi, uh, podcasts built into the. To the platform, so you could have it, have it there as part of your product. And if you ever wanted to update more, if you're relaunching an episode or whatever, you just do an update.[00:32:00]
And, uh, that, that could be a way to support your show or support your course with some evergreen, um, content. And if people, the other way that you could use it is if people email you about questions about the show, or you're in a. You're in a chat group and people ask about something that you're like an expert in you're like, oh, I've done a podcast on that Here's the episode.
Here's the link. I'd love you know, if you have any questions, let me know more so that limited series can give you some Testing grounds because maybe you're not, you know, maybe you're gonna love it and you're like, oh man I need to keep going or maybe you're gonna be like Well, I need to hire somebody to do that.
Like it's so much work. And, uh, you know, I actually, I don't like talking. Uh, you know, I need to change the format. It, it really, it's a really good on and off point. I think that limited series, that's a great idea.
Andrew Chapman: Yeah, I've, I've found that that's [00:33:00] because when you think about, well, let's talk about therapy and how that relates to in this, when you think about how, whether it's coaching or therapy, sort of ways of doing things, but both with the goals of obviously helping people get past their particular situation that they're addressing, being able to bring things into a manageable state. Is what helps so much. How can
james_1_01-09-2025_113940: Mm,
Andrew Chapman: this current situation, either chunk it down or in some capacity, make it manageable for someone to get from point a to point B. And the more that you can do that for clients, whether it's clients in a therapeutic or coaching sense, or whether it's clients in a podcasting sense, it helps people to get where they want to go. And, you know, from Miracy, that that's also a big teaching point because, um, it, what it does is it helps you to create momentum. If you have very small wins on a consistent basis, that's how you get to success. And in a podcasting sense, doing it at a limited way creates that small chunking down. I now have eight [00:34:00] episodes or 10 or whatever, that's all I have to create.
And then, as you said, just a moment ago, If you love it and find that this is what you want to do, well, you could just shift, you can
james_1_01-09-2025_113940: mm-hmm
Andrew Chapman: and you can start a new podcast or just extend it, you could do whatever you want to do, but it gives everybody a much less intimidating way to go, which I think is, is often the biggest, uh, hurdle.
james_1_01-09-2025_113940: All right. Um, did you have any other points on that? I'm, I, we, I, I kind of like went off on that Limited series idea. I think that's really a good way to start though, if you're looking to start. Just do a limited series, call it a limited series. Do, do one, do one episode per lesson and, you know, see where, see what it happens.
Like that, um, done is better than perfect. Right. That's a mantra,
Andrew Chapman: Exactly.
james_1_01-09-2025_113940: mercy and also, uh, You're never going to know if you don't release it. So how are you going to get feedback if you don't try it? So,
Andrew Chapman: [00:35:00] Yeah. And one thing I will add real quickly to that is the other reason the limited series is ideal is because marketing is such a huge component of success. Getting the word out there about your podcast. People are not going to discover it on their own. It's
james_1_01-09-2025_113940: right.
Andrew Chapman: difficult. Same with a book. instead of trying to manage an ongoing podcast week after week, after week, or bi weekly after bi weekly, and at the same time, try to promote it. You create the singular limited series, and then you can go forward from there and work on the marketing of that so that the word can get out there and you're not being distracted and consumed by the ongoing production of your, your podcast at the same time. And then if you decide, as I said, boom, just keep going or. Start a new podcast if you love it that much,
james_1_01-09-2025_113940: I feel like there's a lot more we could talk about, but we are at time. So we're going to wrap it up. Uh, Andrew, can you tell, you know, do you want people to find you on the internet? Like, uh, normally at this part of the show, I'm like, Hey, tell [00:36:00] people that where people can find you and. Learn more about you.
So, uh, what, uh, what, what do you want to say about what you're doing and how people can find you?
Andrew Chapman: that's a great way to put it. Yeah. People are like, do I want to be found? I don't know. Do I know? I'm perfectly happy about that. Um, I do want to definitely share what we're doing. And so I
james_1_01-09-2025_113940: Sure. Sure.
Andrew Chapman: thing to do is to go to miracyfm. com or you can also go to miracy. fm how convenient, uh, but basically go there, you'll learn all about our shows.
And if you're interested in pursuing, uh, getting a show going of your own, you want some. Ideas or advice or tips or anything like that. Let me know. And, um, just, uh, you know, contact us through there and we'll definitely be able to help you out if we can.
james_1_01-09-2025_113940: Awesome. Yeah. You guys put on, uh, some great shows. Um, I was listening to the, one of the most recent ones that was making it and you were talking about, it was at Archangel. Was that the name of it? Archangel. And, oh [00:37:00] man, the guy's name's escaping me, but I was like enthralled by that episode. Who was it?
Andrew Chapman: Giovanni Marsico. Yeah. He's story.
james_1_01-09-2025_113940: oh man, that's awesome. It was really good. Um, I even looked him up and friended it. Like I was like, oh man, I got to follow this guy. Uh, so, um, go to the, go to Marisita FM or then it'll be in the show notes. Um, and check out their shows and check out the resources that they have. It's wonderful.
Um, program. And if you're a, uh, you know, a course creator, a, a content creator, you know, And your gifts are not producing podcasts. Check out their services. All right. Uh, Andrew, thanks for being on the show
Andrew Chapman: Thank you very much, James. This was an honor to be here and I'm glad we had the time today. Really cool.
james_1_01-09-2025_113940: and, uh, thanks everybody for listening. It's now time to put your mission in motion.
Hi, friends. Welcome to the show today. [00:38:00] Uh, hi, friend. I. Join us Friday, February 28th. Now it sounds too much like an ad, but it is an ad. I guess I should just run with it. Hi, friend. Join us Friday, February 28th at 10:30 AM for a webinar leveraging AI for course creation. That's leveraging AI for course creation.
I'll be hosting this along the author and digital strategist Jay Allison. We will dive into how AI can revolutionize your practice, streamline client support, and create new revenue opportunities through online course. It's not just a webinar on how to use IA ai, but how you can leverage AI in different areas of your business to expand your impact.
I'm gonna move that sentence All right. Take two. Hi, friend. Very excited to let you know that we're gonna do another [00:39:00] webinar with an expert this Friday, February 28th at 10:30 AM Eastern Standard Time. It's gonna be a transformational webinar on leveraging AI and course creation. It will be with me James Marland and author and dig digital strategist Jay Allison.
Now this is just isn't a webinar on prompts and how to use chat, GPT. It's actually a webinar on how to use AI in the different areas of your business. It's actually a webinar on how to use AI in the different areas of your business. So actually we'll talk about topics like how AI can streamline client support and create new revenue opportunities and create online courses and help you create individualized treatment [00:40:00] plans.
I don't know if it'll, So we will be talking about topics like how AI can help you, streamline your practice, improve your client support, and even help you brainstorm and create revenue activities like online courses. So we'll dive into topics like how AI can help you streamline your practices, improve your customer support, and even develop new revenue streams, like online courses, or marketing like podcasting.
So secure your spot today. Go to www course creation with J that's. Www course creation and register today for this great webinar, and I'm really happy that Jay will be with [00:41:00] us. She's a, she's, um, just has a wealth of information, has been doing business strategy for a while, and I know you're going to be able to get some great, uh, support from her and, uh, um, yeah, during the webinar.