[00:00:00] Hello and welcome to the Scaling Therapy Practice. This is your host, James Marland. This is the show where we empower mission driven leaders to launch life changing online courses. I'm really happy to bring Carla Titus back to the show. a founder and CEO of Wealth and Worth Within. And if you've listened to a couple of the shows that I've done, accounting is not my favorite thing to do.
[00:00:36] Accounting and taxes is sort of like the The monster under the bed, you know, that I don't necessarily want to take out and look. And then when I do, it's like, not as scary as I thought it was, but Carla and her team are people who can help you make sense of your numbers. So Carla, welcome back to the show.
[00:00:54] Thanks for having me again. I am so excited to have this conversation. I think it's gonna give people a lot of great, actionable steps to take early in the year so that they are thinking themselves down the road for it.
[00:01:09] Yeah, that's key. Um, we were talking in the pre show about If you do these things, your future self is going to love you. Like your future self is going to thank you and send you like, thank you. No, though. I'm so glad that, you know, 2024 James or early 2025 James did these things in the Cause it's, um, it, it helps so much and save so much time and angst and fear.
[00:01:33] Like, uh, I don't want to get into the topic too early, but like, if you don't do these things early enough, you're going to worry about them the whole year. Whereas you could have done them, um, eight months ago and then have all that mental energy back. Before we get into that topic of, uh, doing things that your future self will thank you for, Carla, just give us a short introduction about what you do, who you serve and, uh, yeah, what you do and who you serve.
[00:01:58] Yeah, so I'm Carla Titus, founder and CEO of We are a fractional CFO firm that provides consulting and advisory services to growing group and private practices all over the U. S. remotely with a U. S. based team. And we also provide bookkeeping services because we understand that. Importance of financial health, and it starts with your books, believe it or not, uh, and not at the time where you have to file your taxes, but really throughout the year to avoid being in a situation where you're trying to catch up last minute and, you know, nobody likes to do it, so we might as well just tackle it when it's easier and simple as it's happening because we'll know what's going on and not delay it, um, Uh, because again, your future selves will thank you for that.
[00:02:42] And, you know, obviously if you're ready to delegate or outsource that, we're happy to take that on and help support you in that way, but that is the work that we do, and I think a lot of people benefit from that support, so they don't have to be concerned with it anymore.
[00:02:57] Great, great introduction. And, we are going to be talking about the topic of doing things now that your future self will thank you for getting 2025 off on the right foot. And, um, before we, before we do that, can you. Carla, why should we do this now? Like why, why, why should we not put it off? What is the benefit to your business, to your personal health, your, your mental wellbeing, your future state?
[00:03:24] Like why, why should we do this now? Why should we do some of these things now?
[00:03:28] Yeah, as an owner and CEO of your business, what you find is that you have a lot of competing priorities. You have a team you have to manage. You have, you know, problems and things that come up and you're pulling too many directions. So what you want to be doing is structuring this as simple as possible by carving out just enough time every week or every month.
[00:03:47] To go through the books, make sure everything looks good. And if you're not the one doing it, outsourcing it to have someone do it for you and then report it back to you. And what this does is it maintains the integrity of your finances and your financial data, which ultimately should be helping you to make decisions longterm.
[00:04:04] But for now, what we want to do is just focus on being accurate, focus on being. Up to date, so we don't get behind and, you know, at tax time, everybody is kicking and screaming because they forgot to do their books the last 12 months. And now you have to go recreate 12 months of data. Nobody wants to do that.
[00:04:19] that sounds difficult.
[00:04:20] It does sound way more difficult than keeping up with it every month for just, you know, 30 minutes a month where you just devote that time. I know Eat the frog now because your future self will thank you for it and take care of it now when it's relevant, when you actually remember what you bought and the transactions are fresh in your mind.
[00:04:39] So you're not having to go back 12 months ago to figure out what the heck did I buy?
[00:04:44] So it's hard to remember what you did 11 months ago. Is that real?
[00:04:48] Right.
[00:04:48] Oh
[00:04:49] It's incredibly hard, especially if you have a thriving, growing business with more responsibilities, more transactions, the volume is just going to get heavier and heavier. And at some point you either going to decide, is my time worth it working on this, or should I work on focus on growing the business and get this delegated off my plate?
[00:05:09] Cause one, I hate it too. Maybe I'm not great at it anyways. Three, what I really need is just the outcome of someone categorizing and reconciling everything so that I know it's accurate and answering maybe a few questions, but getting that profit and loss statement, reviewing it and making decisions based on that, instead of spending all the hours doing.
[00:05:29] All the work that someone else could probably do for you at an affordable rate.
[00:05:33] So, um, it's better use of your time and it makes better management decisions because you can do the things only you can do. I had a boss who was really. He loved data and he was like, he was a doctor of something. It was at the mental health hospital. So I'm sure he was a psychologist anyways. Um, and he also had a business degree anyways.
[00:05:51] He was great, but he loved data, but he didn't get all the data himself. He like had teams of people track things to make decisions about like, just. It was about patient flow and stuff, but it was, uh, he had the data to be able to say, oh, we need more staff here or, oh, we need, you know, this is underutilized or, you know, our retention is this because he had the not, he had the data, but he didn't spend 30 hours collecting the data.
[00:06:19] He just had the spreadsheets and we did the data and it was a very data driven, um, organization. But. It also gave like clarity and confidence as you move forward. So what you're talking about makes a lot of sense with the financials, because if you don't have the data to move, you're not gonna, you're not, you can move, but are you sure it's like a safe move?
[00:06:42] So
[00:06:44] Data gives you clarity and a path forward. And knowing that you have good data that has, you know, good integrity and has been done accurately allows you to now step into the strategic thinking position of That a CEO and owner should be operating in because someone else has gathered that information for you.
[00:07:02] Now you're making those big decisions that only you can make based on the data and inputs that you've been given instead of again, spending those 30 minutes, three hours, whatever it takes to put, produce it, take that time and invest it in. What are those decisions we want to make to grow and move forward with confidence and clarity?
[00:07:20] Cause now we know what's happening in our business.
[00:07:22] Yeah, just, just think, what if you could take the time that you used to spend on your books and do a half afternoon of a strategy session with yourself? Like, I know I'm constantly like working in the business and doing stuff, but I feel like the most growth I have sometimes is when I take half a day or a day to like look at the land, set some goals, chart it out on the calendar, If I'm just, you know, if I'm just having little tasks that somebody else could do for a relatively cheap price compared to what I would earn, why, why, why not do it?
[00:07:58] And what could you do with it? Just imagine how good you could be if you did spend that time in the strategy session.
[00:08:03] Yeah.
[00:08:03] self will thank you. I wanted to, I wanted to get into some of these questions though. Um, 2025 and getting started off forward. This, this episode will probably air end of February, beginning of March.
[00:08:16] So somewhere around there and, and it's still early enough in the year to get things set up straight or right and correctly. So what are some of the things that we could start doing in 2025 that our future self will, will thank us for and put us on a good financial footing?
[00:08:33] Yeah, so first we're going to put on the calendar time to work on the books or outsource it right away so that we know that it's getting done. Step one, because we're going to start a year right and make sure that this is a priority and it's getting handled. Right? So if it's not on the calendar, probably won't happen.
[00:08:48] Um, or. Delegate that off your plate. If it's better use of your time.
[00:08:52] how many times would you recommend that you are, you know, making sure everything is correct, minimum, and then, you know, what you want?
[00:09:01] Yeah. So ideally monthly, you're blocking, you know, 15, 20 minutes to just go through transactions, make sure everything is in the right place. Maybe it takes you 30 minutes, depending on the size of your practice. Um, and then if you can get to weekly, it might be easier because you only have to spend maybe five minutes.
[00:09:16] Categorizing things. So it's just a trade off on, you know, what works better for your schedule. And it's time where you're dedicating and loving on your business finances. That's going to pay dividends back to you one day, if you understand what's going on with the numbers. And that's the first step, right?
[00:09:31] It's just being aware. And if you're outsourcing this to a bookkeeper, then maybe you're spending a lot less time just reviewing the outcome of that information that's coming to you. So even then putting something on the calendar that says, check my financial From what I've gotten back from our team, it's really important.
[00:09:48] Cause they're going to have questions. I want to make sure that things are right and ensuring that you're having that time to review. So that's step one, just to get us started.
[00:09:55] it, doing it early is better than like, oh, when can I do it this week to do it? It's the end of the month, I got to do it, or the beginning of the month, whenever you do it. then finding the time in a busy schedule. Some, I can't remember the trick was to put something on your calendar three weeks ahead, because next week is probably full. The week after that is, you know, you're going to schedule struggle to find time, but three weeks from now, you're going to have time. So if you can't do it this week or next week, don't make, don't like, Oh, I can't do it. I don't have time. Just go out, do it when you can do it. Like schedule it out ahead of far enough, ahead of time that it's on the calendar.
[00:10:34] Because I know for me, if it's on the calendar, if it gets done, if it's not on the calendar and it's on a piece of paper somewhere, do do the booking. I just don't. other things swallow up that time. So schedule it, make it a priority. Great. What else? What else you got?
[00:10:50] Okay. The next you want to go look at what has happened in your business in the last year and start to audit some of the expenses, where did your money go? And is that still giving us the return on investment or value benefit that we expected? Cause things might have changed and maybe you haven't just.
[00:11:06] Had a moment to sit back and look at your business and say, wow, we're still spending money on this thing. And then we forgot completely. And we haven't used in the last five months. It's time to cancel it or maybe reallocate those funds to a new thing. That's going to give you the new benefit that you're looking for.
[00:11:23] Uh, maybe you're overspending in some categories that got a little out of control and it's time to just revisit. It's not about judging yourself. It's not about, you know, um, being sorry about the decisions we made in the past. We're really looking for opportunities where we can reallocate our hard earned dollars to the right things for the business going forward.
[00:11:44] And that might look differently because we might be achieving different goals and it's time to reassess. So going through that expense audit, pull up the details, ask questions. Why did my software expenses go up? We hire more people. Okay, great. Are we still going to use that same software? Right? Um, are we paying, you know, for office supplies?
[00:12:03] Maybe you got a little out of hand last year and we want to bring it in. Um, or maybe we want to say, you know what, we did not spend enough in that category and we need to double the amount that we're spending going forward because it's important for the business to continue to grow, um, in that category.
[00:12:18] So. Evaluating to just again allocate to the right categories, not about judgment, not about, um, You know, why did I spend that? It's more about, okay, going forward, we're going to do it differently. And here's our opportunity to hit the reset button and do it the right way going into the new year.
[00:12:36] Yeah, that, that makes me think there's, there's, there's probably a hundred ways, like businesses can't be profitable, but if there's two categories, like the death of a thousand cuts, like 6,000 subscriptions that you're like, oh, it's only $5 here, 10 extra dollars here, but then it's like hundreds of dollars a a month and then thousands of dollars a year. You're like, Oh, I didn't have money to hire that staff or I didn't have money to do that, but it's actually right there. And then the other thing is, you know, you buy something that you didn't have money for because you didn't know you were, you, you didn't, you didn't, uh, observe. So, I don't know. That's my layman's view of like taking care of knowing where your money is going. Cause You, you, you could be more profitable if you do it. And so I was, I was thinking about as you were talking, I'm like, well, I subscribe to Canva and I subscribe to Adobe and I subscribe to like, Open AI, like the AI program. And I have Kajabi that does some of that. Like, I'm just like, is there a way to like smash them together and like only use, you know, I know, uh, the Adobe express, uh, works or integrates with Kajabi, so I've been using that a lot more, but I still use Canva for some of my clients anyways, but
[00:14:02] I hear you
[00:14:04] you don't know, and I am on a decent, um, you know, just. on a decent subscription with the Adobe products, but I only use like, you
[00:14:17] of it.
[00:14:18] a 10th of
[00:14:19] Yeah.
[00:14:19] platform.
[00:14:21] That is such a great point, though, James. I think what people are not thinking about is maybe I need the free subscription of that software that I'm paying for right now because I just not using a maximizing it. And yeah, you could always go back to paying for the full thing, right?
[00:14:34] But maybe right now you're just busy and you're not using. So let's just downgrade temporarily. Early and revisit that decision in six months maybe when we need to pay for the premium. Maybe it's the number of users. I see this often. You just signed up for the thing and then you have a hundred users, but 50 of them have left and you just forgot to remove them, and you're paying for people that are not using anything.
[00:14:54] So again. Collect your money back. Nothing wrong. It just happens, especially when we're busy and business starts to grow fast. So go ahead and just do the cleanup. Who's still using it? Who needs it? Do we have other software that can do it? And then the other powerful thing that people forget is inside of certain softwares.
[00:15:13] Now they're rolling out AI features and other things. You could just upgrade for a nominal fee versus paying the full fee on a different open AI option. So Go assess that. Maybe you could save, you know, five, 10 a month in some of those things. And again, that times number of users times months a year could add up to some dollars.
[00:15:32] So it's just something to, again, revaluate is a fresh year. Might as well look at it and save yourself a little money in the longterm, but don't forget the power of users and then downgrading or the level of support you want in a particular software. That is a good way to save money too.
[00:15:47] So yeah. And when you add things, also a good time to do it because I, I, I am getting a, um, uh, uh, a media company to help me with some of my social media and producing some of the podcasts and stuff, but then do I really need the Adobe, all the Adobe stuff, like the paid part, because they're going to be doing the heavy lifting of the production. Anyways, stuff to
[00:16:12] Yes.
[00:16:12] if,
[00:16:13] Those are connected.
[00:16:14] yeah, but so I could be paying for three subscriptions where I only need one. Plus
[00:16:21] Exactly.
[00:16:22] percent of the heavy lifting for me.
[00:16:24] Yeah. Uh,
[00:16:25] own the program. They're like contractors. So they own the program and then you have the tools. Okay. So that's, um, one thing. Are there other things, but other things to do, uh, to put ourselves on a good financial foot? to start doing in 2025.
[00:16:41] Yeah, so now that we're taking care of our data and we know that's going to be handled every month because we already committed to that in the new year. Now we want to start thinking about the future. How does that need to look for this year? What are our goals? What are we trying to achieve? Are we bringing on additional hires to our practice?
[00:16:56] What is happening? Um, how many more sessions are we going to do this year? Are we going to take on more clients? What's happening in your business and how do you want to grow your practice going forward? So you start to map that out. Number of sessions per week. Number. Times, the number of people, and then you want to understand also has insurance, you know, cost change.
[00:17:14] We got to take that into account. Uh, are we paneling with a new insurance? Are we removing an insurance altogether? Like these are things do we have credentialing costs coming up because we're going to add a new team member that needs to be credential. We want to just kind of lay all that out and start to figure out what maybe even the next step is.
[00:17:31] Three months may look like we normally do this for a 12 month runway, but we understand that might be a little challenging. So maybe just take a stab at the next three months. What do you expect to happen? How are things going to change and start to set some monthly goals? Cause the other piece of profitability besides cutting back costs where, you know, it makes sense and reallocating correctly is growing revenue.
[00:17:52] So what are our new opportunities? Are we offering new services? Are we rolling out assessments, intensive CU credit? What is going to happen for us to generate additional revenue? And if nothing else, have you revisit your yearly fees to your patients? Cause it's that time of year where everybody's rolling out their increases and you might as well get on that bandwagon and make sure you don't get left behind.
[00:18:15] because everybody, it's the beginning of the year. It's expected. So as you were talking about, uh, extra revenue, it made me think like this podcast for people who are creating courses, therapists, coaches, helpers, like, uh, people who have a business that's running relatively well, they're not there, you know, they're not starting a course because.
[00:18:34] Yeah. They need to make a quick buck. They're like, well, how do I help the world a little better with my knowledge? How do I reach more people? How do I expand my growth? How do I become known about my core topic? So, but as you were talking, you know, that's not, even if it's just your time, that's not cheap, right?
[00:18:54] Yes,
[00:18:55] like, you're gonna. You might have to say no to something. Let's say you take five hours a week or an hour a day or one half day or something to work on your online course. Well, that, that time just doesn't come from nowhere. also if you depend on that money to like pay your bills, like, Oh, I, I actually do need to work 30 sessions or do 30, 25 to 30 sessions a week, but I'm going to start this online course thing. And I, and you know, I'm, I'm not going to have, I don't plan anything and I'm not going to have any trouble at all making my bills. Like you're, there's a lot of wisdom in thinking, what do I want to do and how do I get there? And there's opportunity cost and, um, like your time cost and all those things. But if you don't have a plan, it's almost like building on sand, right? Like you're not building on anything stable.
[00:19:50] yeah, it's not working together. It's kind of working against you in a way because you might be going this direction and that direction and it's just counterproductive. So what we say is just lay out the plan, even if the plan is not well thought out yet, at least put down your thoughts so far. Okay. So you're going to sacrifice some billable hours to create your online course that eventually will replace that revenue over time, but it might take some time.
[00:20:13] So you need to know, okay, I created the cash runway and saved up to make sure I can't take quote unquote that hit on the five billable hours. I won't have every week for the next. Six weeks. Let's say, well, I create this. And then my goals for that course is to generate X number of dollars. That means this many people buying it every month.
[00:20:33] And you get really clear on what you need to achieve to replace that income. It probably won't happen overnight and you've got to give it some time, but that becomes your goal is to replace that five clinical billable hours that you lost, created it. And. Gain that and then some back on the back end of your course, being successful in generating additional revenue as a new revenue stream in your business and making sure that you do the math, right?
[00:20:57] Cause I think a lot of people shy away from the math. I hear a lot from therapists. I just not good at numbers. I don't know that if I can do that math, the math is simple. It's number of people times price point. Like literally it can be that simple. It's that many core sales times the price I charge for core sales equals.
[00:21:15] You know, the revenue that I sacrificed by not seeing patients for those hours. So that is the trade off and it takes time, but the goal is to map that out so that you have a roadmap to success back to producing the kind of money you want. And then we know that once courses scale, they don't need your time unless you have a time component attached to it, then you can just.
[00:21:35] Keep growing it and have it take off and generate some, you know, passive income in that way. Once it's completed, you put the effort on the front end. We all know it's not passive because you have to do the work first, but after that
[00:21:47] front end for sure, um,
[00:21:50] back.
[00:21:50] like, let, let's say you do that for three months and then, then you use it for three years. Like, it can be generating income for, for multiple years, but you do have to promote it and have marketing, but whatever. That's, that's another, That's a whole nother, that's a whole nother business.
[00:22:07] That's another episode.
[00:22:09] Yeah, that's all right. Um, I have other questions. Where do you want to go from here? What are some things we should probably start or start doing or do at the beginning or end of the year to make it easy for ourselves?
[00:22:25] Yeah, at the end of the year, we want to just take a look and see, did we meet our goals and expectations around our business growth? Is our profit higher or lower than the year before? Um, did we spend more money in certain categories than we had expected? Did that grow over time? Did it shrink? And maybe that's not necessarily the right thing for your business.
[00:22:45] So just kind of looking at your numbers and the numbers are telling you the story of what happened in the year. And Ultimately, are your results what you expected and what you want to see of your business, especially around owners compensation? I find a lot of people are are overlooking that aspect of it, and we want to make sure that you're compensated well for the work that you're doing in your business.
[00:23:06] That is not an afterthought that it's Transcribed Part of why we want to do this outside of flexibility and freedom, of course, is making sure you get a good paycheck from it. And if you're not there yet, that is okay. Is what's the plan to get to that ideal state where you're compensated at the right level.
[00:23:22] And those are the things that we're evaluating, you know, with clients on like the current year, what happened, kind of doing a recap of the past year. So then in the new year, we know going in with new expectations, what do we want to achieve? How are we going to accomplish it? Because we know what we were able to do the past year.
[00:23:38] Yeah.
[00:23:41] Yeah. Um, so setting goals and then reviewing your goals, like you, like it's, you, you get what you measure, right? Right. Like whatever you, you, the outcomes follow, you can hope for progress or you can work for progress. And if. know, a dream, is, uh, I'm going to mess up the quote, but if you don't put, if you don't write it down, it doesn't happen.
[00:24:06] Like, like people are way more, they accomplish more when they write down what they're supposed to do, but then also don't just let it. there on the piece of paper, use it, like evaluate it, bring it out and say, Oh, is the goal. Um, this is what we can do. Do you, um, this, this is a, how you work with people.
[00:24:27] Do you work in quarters? Like, do you set goals for the quarter? Do you have yearly goals when you do goals for people? And then you
[00:24:33] Yeah.
[00:24:34] chunks, like how, that work in your office?
[00:24:37] Yeah. So we actually do, uh, monthly goals, quarterly and yearly because we want to get that specific on what are we trying to achieve every month. And then obviously some months are worse than others or better than we thought. And so we want to also normalize quarterly, but ultimately, you know, the yearly goals, what we're striving for, but we want to continue to measure progress as it's happening, not At the tail end, when everything is done and you can do anything about changing it, we want to do it while we're in, in the year, adjusting and pivoting and overcoming obstacles and objections as things start to happen.
[00:25:11] Because, you know, business things happen and we can't control it and we sometimes have to deal with, you know, situations and then we do our best to get back on track towards our goals.
[00:25:21] Yeah. One, one of the illustrations I've heard is like an airplane on autopilot is not going in a straight line. It's making micro trans micro switches, you know, corrections as they go because it, The and the sooner it makes a correction, the more on course it is. It's not it's not just driving in a straight line driving.
[00:25:39] It's not just flying in a straight line. I think that monthly, you know, the monthly check in and making sure you're going in the right direction is going to make sure you're going to end up very close to your end goal. Rather than six months in, you realize you're like two degrees off, but two degrees off for six months, you realize You're nearly in the ditch.
[00:25:58] It's really hard to pull something out of the ditch without, you know, a tow truck or whatever. I just mixed a lot of metaphors there with flying and
[00:26:07] get it though.
[00:26:08] and ditches. But that right, that makes sense though, right? Like keeping track of your goals during the week, the year, and reviewing them and making course corrections at times. at set intervals is way easier than trying to, trying to course create course, create course, correct. Uh, when there's very little time, like, you know, in March or something.
[00:26:33] Yeah. And pilots, you know, fly planes with dashboards. So they're checking in on their metrics often to make sure they're on track. And they're also not just winging it being like, well, good luck.
[00:26:44] it!
[00:26:45] We might go to LA or we might land somewhere in between, you know, who knows? Like they're not doing that.
[00:26:51] They're in control.
[00:26:53] plan. Yep.
[00:26:54] Exactly. They have a flight plan. They have a path. They know how long it's going to take them together. They know where they're going. They know where they're going to land. And if they're not on track to land there, like you said, they're making corrections. They're making adjustments.
[00:27:06] And yes, things change. Sometimes they have to fly the longer route to get to where they wanted to get to. But my point is, they are still small. Chartering the same course and they're doing so by looking at their metrics and evaluating where they're at, at every point in time, not just waiting till they land somewhere to be like, Oh, that's not what we wanted to land.
[00:27:26] How crazy would that be? Right?
[00:27:28] almost out of fuel. I better find a landing strip. Like,
[00:27:31] A little late for that.
[00:27:33] All right. So two last questions. One, you know, if somebody wants to get started, what, what is something basic they can do right now get started? What's the next task they should do to get started? Help saving themselves time and agony. Mm hmm. The future self, like what, what's one thing they could do.
[00:27:54] Yeah, maybe at this point, they're a little bit behind and they're just really scared to even open it up and look at it because, you know, it's going to feel daunting and overwhelming and we know that when that happens, we're going to shy away from it. So step one is to look at it and I, it feels like. A big ask at times, and I understand if it's your first time doing it and you're like, Oh, I don't know, but guess what your account is going to make you do it because text time is coming and they're going to need something to file on it.
[00:28:20] And you do not want to be against the deadline trying to start it all out then. So you got some time now. Open it up, look at it. How bad does it look? Sometimes it's not as bad as you thought. Sometimes it's just the dread is bigger than the actual situation. So let's just take a peek and see, okay, where are we at?
[00:28:37] Two is you can always ask for help. If you're just feeling like at a loss and you don't have the time, maybe you have the resources so you can always reach out for help. Know that that is always an option if you can afford it and it's in your budget. Um, And make sure you don't set yourself up for failure again next year by starting to procrastinate on that this year.
[00:28:57] So get started on the right foot starting this year while you're dealing with the past and make sure that you set that calendar time and make sure that you're keeping up with it. And that you have the right accounting software in place to help you save time because you know what, you're going to pay for it, but it's going to save you time because everything will come to one place where you can review it all at once and then make it fun.
[00:29:20] Like go to your favorite coffee shop, buy yourself a little coffee and a croissant or whatever's your favorite thing to do and sit down in a great music environment and maybe make it a little bit more palatable to sit down and do the thing that you don't want to do because that could. set of that reward system in your brain that you're like, Oh, this is actually not that bad.
[00:29:41] Cause I get a little coffee and I get a little thing and it's like, not terrible at least.
[00:29:45] Yeah. Yeah. I remember you, you, you took me back a little bit to when I had to write like long papers in school and I would put them off. Because I thought they were going to be hard or I didn't know where to get the information. And then, then I would, you know, in college, you worry, like you, you look, you get the syllabus ahead of time.
[00:30:04] You're like, Oh, I had to write this three months from now. And then you worry about it for three months. And then like,
[00:30:10] Yeah.
[00:30:10] to get started. Cause you're afraid. then when you get started, it's like, Oh, it's not that bad. But One, I'd already spent all this mental energy on it for three months and two, it just wasn't as good as it could have been if I would have done it over time. So think you're doing yourself a favor. If you, you start planning for ahead of time, you don't have to worry about it. You're going to know you're going to be. you're going to have burden off your shoulders and you're going to be able to, um, make better decisions. Cause if you don't
[00:30:44] Mm hmm.
[00:30:45] you just can't make great decisions.
[00:30:47] You're going to, you're going to land your plane somewhere, so you might as
[00:30:51] We don't know where.
[00:30:52] going to land it. All right. Hey, uh, Carla, this was great. What, uh, where can people find you? What's your webpage? Um, just tell us a little bit about your services again.
[00:31:01] Yeah. So we are at wealthworthwithin. com. We have a, let's get started. You can schedule a call to talk to us to see if your financial support needs can be met with our team support and expertise. Um, we also provide a free newsletter on our website. site with a lot of very relevant content and situations that we're seeing our clients and everyone we serve go through and providing some actionable tips like we did today for you to start to tackle that, um, on your own and get better at finances.
[00:31:31] And if nothing else follows on social media at wealth worth within, we're very active on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram, putting a lot of. Free educational content for anyone who wants to tune in and get a little bit better about the money. We just want y'all to have profits, be sustainable and have the impact you want to have with your patients long term.
[00:31:50] Awesome. Well, thank you. All that will be in the show notes. And, uh, I'm one of my goals this year is to be a little more active on social media. So I'll definitely be, I think we're, we're connected on LinkedIn sure. So I'll be definitely looking at that stuff. So Carla, thanks. Thanks so much for being on the show.
[00:32:07] Thanks for having me again, James.
[00:32:10] All right, listeners. Thanks for listening to the show and, uh, maybe schedule some time on your calendar to look at the, look at your numbers and start planning for your future. Cause your future self is going to thank you. It's now time to go put your mission in motion.
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