STP 59
[00:00:00] James Marland: Hello and welcome to the scaling therapy practice. This is James. Myland your host. This is the show where I empower mission-driven helpers to launch life-changing online courses. Season three is all about launching an online course. We're going to answer at least 50 questions about creating an online course.
[00:00:33] James Marland: If you want that resource, you can go to the link section. And download the questions as we are going to answer them. In the last episode, we talked about your knee unique ability. Like what do you bring to the table that other people want, that you can turn into an online course? Remember it all starts with you.
[00:00:54] James Marland: It's all about. Making your business align with your life, not making your life align with your business, because if you make your life to align to your business, You are going to be a your business is going to be your master and you won't be the master of your own life. You'll be beholden to whatever the whims of the businesses.
[00:01:16] James Marland: So. You want to make sure that you are doing something that aligned with you, your values and where you're heading in life. So this next week Where this next, a podcast we're talking about. You're finding your dream client, like how do you attract your dream client? Where do they come from? Who are you going to serve? And the answer.
[00:01:39] James Marland: Some people might think, well, the answer is funnels, right?
[00:01:42] James Marland: The answer is marketing. The answer is Google ads or having a great social media account. I'm going to give you a slightly different answer than what you might think. So stay tuned to hear about that.
[00:01:56] James Marland: So. This resource comes from you know, listening to books about niching and niching down. And who do you serve? But one of the main sources of this content for me was going to the dream client workshop, or maybe the dream customer workshop in the Kajabi universe Kajabi is an online course platform.
[00:02:17] James Marland: And. One of the, one of the things I first did when I went, there was a 10, their dream client workshop. I believe it's free. There is a link to this in the show notes. It's led by Joey
[00:02:31] James Marland: Joey. I hope I got your name, right. He also has a weekly YouTube. Show on Tuesdays. It's heart-centered marketing. He posts on LinkedIn. And he provided some resources about where do you find these dream clients?
[00:02:47] James Marland: and I wanted to share some of that resources resource with you. So the first thing about finding a dream client is there's. There's three keys. If you're thinking about who you're going to serve, who is the person that is going to want your product? There are three, three essential things. One is there's, many of them. There are many people who want what you have.
[00:03:11] James Marland: They, if you are authentic to yourself and you have a unique experience, a unique process, there are people who want what you have. They are irrationally passionate about solving a problem. So they are what, when I talk about irrationally passionate about solving a problem is they are looking for ways. They're already looking.
[00:03:35] James Marland: They're already looking. They already know they have a problem. And they're already looking for ways to solve the problem. One of my biggest mistakes when I was looking for people to sell, you know, the online course to. As I thought. My first, my first big idea was therapists. Therapists help people. They They are good at their skills.
[00:03:57] James Marland: They their, their message needs to get out there. Like some of the, some of the things that therapists take for granted. About people in relationships. It is. It's not, it's not common knowledge. And so. And they can help people in different situations. Like really people who are really, really hurting.
[00:04:17] James Marland: So I was thinking all therapists need to have an online course. So I started thinking about, well, how could I get my message out to all therapists? And what I found was that. I was spending a lot of time trying to convince people that they, they had a problem to solve. And that, that led to a lot of frustration, but because not, not, everybody's ready to create an online course. I'm looking for the people who don't need to be convinced that they have something awesome to share with their community.
[00:04:52] James Marland: Something awesome to share that can help a bunch of people. I'm looking for the person in my, in my world. I'm looking for the person who was like, I got this awesome message to share, and I don't know how to get it out into the world. Those are the people. That I can help the most though. That is part of my dream client.
[00:05:13] James Marland: Just think about who your dream client is. Who's searching for a solution. Who's searching. Whose irrationally passionate about searching for a solution. And I think about parents, a lot of parents. Would do anything for their kid. And so they are. If you have a solution for a parent of a child who has a specific problem with peers, problem with task problem, with sports problem, with anxiety problem. You know what they have an issue or a problem. Those parents are irrationally passionate about solving their child's problem.
[00:05:53] James Marland: So you don't have to necessarily. Spend a lot of money going to look for them because they are already looking for you. And so then that's the third, the third thing. The third key. From Joey's talk is that they are easily reached. Why are they easily reached? Because there are already looking for a solution. They're already out there.
[00:06:17] James Marland: They're already, they're already got their feelers out, looking for. The solution to a problem. So, So those are the three keys. Qualifiers for your, for your dream client. So these, these are the people who are already looking for a solution. And their urgency is high. Like it's not just like a minor problem that they're looking for a solution for.
[00:06:41] James Marland: It's a major problem. In fact, It's between a seven and a 10 with 10 being the highest. That they're urgently looking for a problem. This is a qualifier. Have a dream client. Somebody that you can help. And. The problem that they're looking to solve. What makes them a dream client to you? Is that you can solve it. And not only can you solve it, you can solve it easily.
[00:07:07] James Marland: You can solve it quickly. You can solve it. Cheaply, you can solve it. You are the one of the fastest ways to solve their specific problem. It's easy and seamless for you.
[00:07:23] James Marland: Another way another qualifier of a dream client is somebody that can actually say yes, they don't have a partner or somebody else who can say no to your solution, but they are the decision maker in the problem solution phase where they can say, yes, I can. Fully embrace this your solution. Another qualifier is that they believe in your process.
[00:07:48] James Marland: They believe in what you're doing. They, they, you don't have to convince them. You don't have to bring them along. You don't have to keep. Providing facts and figures to them that you are the good solution. They, they understand your value. They know where you're going and you are. You are perceived and believed as a resource for them.
[00:08:09] James Marland: And then there's other unique qualifiers.
[00:08:12] James Marland: So those are specific qualifiers. The, the three keys that there's many of them, they're irrationally passionate, and they're easily reached. Then we went over the qualifiers, but the third factor in a dream client is there's unique qualifiers, and this could be something that is unique to your situation. Something that aligns with you. Now to do this too, to think about the unique qualifiers. I did I reviewed my values. And I, and I have them printed out right here. And what I did is I just went through a list of values.
[00:08:47] James Marland: This was also an assignment by Joey, but I went through a list of values and there's a hundred, 200 values and circled the ones that connected with me. And then I wrote down the top 10, and then I eliminated some of those and came up with the top three. And so this is how I came up with some unique qualifiers and disqualifiers actually for my dream client. So people that will connect with me will connect with my values of belonging, family, fellowship, and friendship.
[00:09:18] James Marland: I used, those are all similar words for relationships. And so I. I have this deep desire for people to belong and to feel like they belong. Then the, my other values is compassion, empathy, kindness, giving and service. Like the people who I connect with have this N. Essence of empathy and wanting to help their fellow man. And then the, the, my third big value is discovery.
[00:09:46] James Marland: Wonder growth. Learning, just like just constant improvement and being excited about trying something new and seeing what works and using what works and making something bigger and better that works. Like I'm a, I'm a lifelong learner. And so those are some of my top three values. And why are they at some of my top three values? These are going to be unique for yourself, but I w belonging and feeling like you belong. Is is important to me because I moved around a lot.
[00:10:22] James Marland: When I was younger, I moved eight, nine. Different schools. I never stayed in a place for more than a year or two. It was trouble tough for me to break into peer groups. And so now when, when I go to new places, I just want everybody to feel like they belong and everybody to feel. Like they have a place and a purpose. And that they're valued.
[00:10:45] James Marland: And if, if they're missing, if somebody's missing. That you notice and you try to reach out to them. So belonging is very important to me. And compassion compassion and empathy. It's like you see other people's pain, you see the, what they are going through. You see the burden that they are going through and you let them know that they're, they're not alone. And.
[00:11:10] James Marland: I what turns me off from people. A disqualifier. Disqualifier for me is. A leader that builds their success on the bottom bodies of their followers. Like I don't, I don't want to that that is somebody that I. We would not jive together. We would not be a good fit together. If you have, when you lack compassion and empathy for your fellow, man. That that is definitely a disqualifier for me too. You know, for me to want to bring to serve you.
[00:11:45] James Marland: That doesn't necessarily mean, you know, the disqualifier that you're a bad person. But it also just means that we would not get to our destination quickly together because we're misaligned. So, that's a disqualifier and then the discovery is just, I love to find new things. An example of this is. I would take a different way home from work. Almost every day, just to try to find a new back road or a new way to. Do you. Find things or just a new New landscape, just something new and exciting. To the senses.
[00:12:17] James Marland: So I love discovery. I love trying new things and I'm not afraid to. For things to take a little bit longer as you try new things. So those are some of my unique qualifiers. They're unique to your situation and everybody's going to have their own unique qualifiers for their dream client, people that they would want to spend time with, even if they're not being paid, like one of the best things about finding dream clients is. You, you get to spend time with people that you would go on vacation with. You get to spend time with people that you would choose to be with. Whether they paid for your services or not.
[00:12:55] James Marland: So.
[00:12:58] James Marland: Everybody's going to have their own unique qualifiers. So I alluded to this question in the beginning. So those are the qualifiers. Well, where do you find you? These dream clients? Where can you get them? How do you get them? And it's not through Facebook ads or advertisement. You don't find them.
[00:13:15] James Marland: They find you. Because they are actively looking for where you're going. So, all you have to do is demonstrate your value to people that you can get them to their destination. Think about it, like a bus ride, right. Okay. You're going on a you're going on a bus ride. I always use the example of You're you're going to Florida.
[00:13:40] James Marland: You're going to Disneyland. And your bus goes specifically to Disneyland. You've mapped out. You've mapped out a trip. If you start a New York, you know, you go down 81 and you go through Pennsylvania and the other states, and maybe you, you have a hotel that you stay at, you know, the right place. That's just at the right spot to stay and everybody gets on and they're all excited and you're talking about, oh, what rides are you going to go on?
[00:14:08] James Marland: And what did you plan? And, you know, what's your meal plan and you know, what, how are you getting along? Are you seeing other sites while you're down there? What, what ride were you looking forward to? And everybody's having a good time because they're all on the right bus because you, people who want to go to Disneyland. They learned about you and they know that you go to Disneyland and that you're an excellent tour guide and they get on a Disneyland.
[00:14:31] James Marland: If they're going to Bush gardens or six flags, they're not necessarily going to get on your bus. Because they have a different destination that they're going to, so you want people who want to get on your bus and there are many people. Who want to go to that destination, but the only people who are your dream clients are the people who actually get on the people who walk to your bus, buy a ticket, get on the bus and then enjoy the ride with you.
[00:15:03] James Marland: They believe in you. They believe you're taking them to the right place. Those are your dream clients and with the right people on the bus, the trip is so much better. Like they are excited. They're learning from you. You're learning from them. It's mutually. Beneficial. You get to use your gifts as a guide and they get to get to the, they get to get, they get to get to their destination quicker. Much quicker than they would be by themselves and much more enjoyable than if they had to take a bunch of stops. To place, you know, the long bus ride across country and then down to Florida. So you don't find your dream clients. They find you and they find you as you provide value to the community, letting people know. This is, I know how to get to this destination. So in conclusion,
[00:15:56] James Marland: If you're, if. You're looking at the dream client criteria and, you know, Your people just aren't fitting. Then maybe you got to keep refining who your dream client is. Do a little bit of work on your unique abilities. Do a little bit of work on where you can take people. And what's easy for you to get people to their destination.
[00:16:19] James Marland: Do a little work on. What, what your, your values. You know, what are your values and what are the things that would really connect with you? Some people In my situation, they might replace the mission-driven with like, money-driven not, not money-driven meaning they want to help people earn. You know, millions and millions of dollars. And while. Earning money is a high value for me.
[00:16:47] James Marland: I want people to earn money and I want to earn money on the course. My main value is more mission. Like my main value is we're doing some good in the world and we are helping people achieve their best life through our skills. And that, just that, that just jives with me better. And I'm more excited about spending time with people and helping people. I do the most good in the world then make the most money.
[00:17:14] James Marland: Not that making money is wrong. But that's that's my unique qualifier. So you're going to find your own unique qualifier. What, what is your unique qualifier? That would attract somebody to you. And don't don't worry about the people who aren't getting on the bus. Like it's not their time or maybe you're not their dream destination. And it says it would be easier for you to qualify them and be like, oh yeah, I can definitely help you then for them to get on the bus and then cause a bunch of trouble.
[00:17:44] James Marland: Oh, why aren't we stopping here? Why aren't we doing this? Why aren't we going there? There. That causes trouble. So don't worry about those people. Let them have their own timeline. Let them be dream clients in training. Let them train to I work with you as they experienced, maybe some of your free value, whether it's blogging or podcasts or social media. Let them experience that value and then, then they can join you when they're ready on their timeline. Which also works wonderfully.
[00:18:14] James Marland: There's no pressure to be somebody that you're not be a salesperson that you're not you're developing relationships with them. So remember your course business starts with you. People need you. They need your unique experience. They need your unique ability. And the more you are true to yourself, the more you are true to who you are, your vision, vision, vision, mission, values. The more people you're going to attract in the easier it will be for you to reach them.
[00:18:46] James Marland: And the desk, the trip will be that much sweeter and better for you and for them.
[00:18:54] James Marland: All right. So, thanks for listening to the show. Make sure you hit like and subscribe. And share the episode. The downloads look for links on how to go to Joey's dream client workshop. Through Kajabi. If you are interested in Kajabi. I have a link for signing up with them. They're my main platform for a learning management software. Like where do you host your course?
[00:19:22] James Marland: I have a blog post about that coming out in a couple of weeks, but yeah. Make sure you like and share the show and look for the links in the show notes.
[00:19:32] James Marland: Thank you so much for listening to the show, we will see you next time. The opinions expressed on the scaling therapy practice are that of its host and guests and not intended for individual advice. If you need legal advice, financial advice, or therapy services. Please consult a professional in that area. Scaling therapy practice is a proud part of the psych craft network.