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Where do I Find Clients for My Online Course?

clients dream clients marketing season 3 selling Feb 21, 2024

The Power of Attracting Your Dream Clients: Why You Shouldn't Look for Clients, But Help Them Find You

In the fast-paced world of online courses and coaching, it can be easy to get caught up in the mindset of constantly searching for clients. We're bombarded with advertisements and marketing strategies that promise quick results and a flood of customers. But what if I told you that the secret to attracting your dream clients lies not in actively seeking them out but in allowing them to find you? Today we'll explore the importance of authenticity, value, and the power of solving your clients' problems to magnetize your ideal audience.


Your Course will Take Clients on A Journey.

To illustrate this concept, let's imagine a journey. You're the bus driver, and your destination is "Successville." But here's the catch - not everyone wants to go to Successville. Some people set their sights on destinations like "Moneytown" or "Fame City." And that's perfectly okay. Instead of wasting your time and energy trying to convince those individuals to join your bus, focus on attracting those already passionate about reaching Successville.

How Do You Identify Dream Clents?

So, how can you identify your dream clients? One of the keys lies in understanding their unique needs and desires. They are individuals who are irrationally passionate about solving a specific problem, and they are actively searching for a solution. These people can benefit the most from your expertise and guidance.

Now, let's delve into the three essential qualities of your dream client:

  1. Abundance: Many individuals are seeking what you have to offer. By staying true to yourself and showcasing your authentic value, you naturally draw in those who resonate with your unique experience and process.
  2. Urgency: Your dream clients possess a burning desire to solve their problems. They actively search for solutions and are committed to finding the best possible outcome. You can create a mutually beneficial relationship by focusing on those whose urgency levels are high.
  3. Accessibility: Your dream clients should be easily reached because they are actively searching for a solution. They have their "feelers" out in their pursuit, and all you need to do is demonstrate that you can guide them to their desired destination.

How Do Dream Clients Find You?

So, how do you ensure that your dream clients find you? It all starts with demonstrating your value to the community. Become the expert in your field, provide valuable resources, and showcase your ability to get people to their desired destination. Think of it as being the trusted tour guide to Successville.

Rather than chasing after potential clients through advertisements and cold calling, focus on building relationships and providing value. Share your knowledge through blog posts, podcasts, and social media. Be authentic, transparent, and generous in your approach. You attract those who align with your vision and mission by consistently showing up and providing value.

Now, you might be wondering, "How can I stand out and attract my dream clients?" Well, it starts with understanding your own unique qualifiers. Take the time to reflect on your values and what truly connects with you on a deep level. Identify the top three values that drive your work and shape your mission. When you align with your values, you naturally attract clients who resonate with those same values.


So, When do I use Facebook Ads to Attract Clients? 

Remember, your goal is not to convince anyone to join your bus. Instead, concentrate on being the best guide you can be and attracting those already looking for your destination. By focusing on helping your dream clients find you, you create a harmonious and mutually beneficial journey towards success. There is nothing wrong with ads, but how can you use them to demonstrate your value to dream clients? 

In conclusion, the power of attracting your dream clients lies in authentically showcasing your value and providing solutions to their problems. Instead of tirelessly seeking clients, focus on being the trusted guide who naturally magnetizes those who are already searching for your expertise. By staying true to your unique abilities and values, you create an environment where the right clients will find you, leading to a more fulfilling and successful business.

Remember, the journey starts with you. Your dream clients need you, and they are eagerly waiting to embark on the bus ride to their desired destination. So, let your authentic value shine and let them find you on their own terms.

Links and Resources

Kajabi: Full Featured Course Creation Host, Webpage, Marketing, Community, Email Marketing, and more 

50 Questions People Ask About Online Courses: Living Document that will be updated as Season 3 progresses

Heart-Centered Marketing on YouTube: Joey is the master of marketing with your authentic self

Dream Customer Workshop: This workshop is worth your time if you are wondering about how to reach the right people with your content

Unique Ability® 2.0: Discovery - Define Your Best Self

Go Put Your Strengths to Work: 6 Powerful Steps to Achieve Outstanding

10x Is Easier than 2x: How World-Class Entrepreneurs Achieve More by Doing Less

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