Online Course Planning Checklist


Using AI to Create a Problem List and Problem Language List

ai market research problem language problem list prompts Jul 16, 2024
Using AI to Create a Problem List and Problem Language List


Hey there! Let's talk about something super important for anyone looking to build a successful business or service: understanding your customers. And not just on a surface level, but really getting into their heads and hearts to know their problems and the exact words they use to describe them. Why is this so crucial? Let’s dive in!

1. Identify Key Issues

First things first, when you analyze customer conversations, you get a clear picture of the main problems they're facing. This isn't about guessing or assuming; it's about listening and knowing. When you understand their key issues, you can create targeted solutions that truly help.

2. Use Customer Language

Imagine this: you read something that feels like it was written just for you. That's the power of using your customers' exact language. When you adopt their words and phrases, your communication becomes more relatable and impactful. They feel heard and understood.

3. Enhance Customer Experience

Nobody likes to feel like they're just another number. When you address problems accurately and efficiently, it shows that you care. This improves the overall customer experience, making them feel valued and appreciated.

4. Improve Product/Service

Your customers are the best source of feedback for improving your product or service. By analyzing their conversations, you can gather insights that drive meaningful enhancements. This way, you're not just making changes; you're making the right changes.

5. Build Trust

Trust is the foundation of any strong relationship. When customers see that you understand their problems and are actively working to solve them, it builds trust. They know you have their best interests at heart, and that loyalty is priceless.

6. Personalize Marketing

Generic marketing is a thing of the past. Today, it’s all about personalization. When you know your customers' exact problems and the language they use, you can tailor your marketing efforts to speak directly to their needs and concerns. This makes your message resonate on a deeper level.

Using AI to Create a Problem List and Problem Language List

I built this tool to help you analyze your conversations with your ideal clients. Click here to get the tool. If you find this helpful, please subscribe to the newsletter for a free content naming guide. 

Now, let’s talk about a powerful tool you can use to analyze customer conversations: AI. Here's a prompt you can use to generate two crucial lists from a transcript: one for the problems customers face and another for the exact language they use. This can help you get actionable insights quickly and effectively.

Use this tool to analyze your conversations

Prompt for Generating List One and List Two from a Transcript

If you want to build your own, here is the language I used to create mine. 


  1. Read the provided transcript carefully.
  2. Identify the problems people face with technology when making an online course.
  3. Note the exact words and phrases used to describe these problems.
  4. Create two separate lists based on the identified problems and the language used.

List One: Problems People Face with Technology When Making an Online Course

  • Write each problem and a brief description in one line.

List Two: Exact Words and Phrases Used to Describe the Problems

  • Provide context for each phrase to clarify what specific problem or frustration is being described.


Transcript: "I'm struggling with the video editing software; it's just too complicated for a beginner."

List One:

  • Problem: Video editing software is too complicated for beginners.

List Two:

  • Phrase: "too complicated for a beginner" - Describing the frustration with complex video editing software.

Wrapping Up

So, there you have it! Analyzing customer conversations to understand their problems and language isn't just a nice-to-have; it's a must-have. It’s about creating a business that listens, understands, and delivers real solutions. When you do this, you're not just meeting expectations – you're exceeding them.

Take the time to listen to your customers. Their words are gold. Use them to create better experiences, build stronger relationships, and ultimately, grow your business. You've got this!


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