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Scaling Your Therapy Practice With Good Policy

policy Aug 28, 2023

Scaling Your Therapy Practice With Good Policy | STP37

Welcome to another episode of Scaling Therapy Practice! I'm your host, James Marland, and today we have a fantastic topic lined up for you. Joining us today is David Hall, a seasoned therapist and practice owner who's here to share valuable insights on how to scale your therapy practice with good policy. We'll be diving into three key policies that can significantly impact the efficiency and success of your practice. Let's get started!

The No-Show Policy

David emphasizes the importance of having a no-show policy in place. As he points out, "One of the policies that I hear a lot is a no-show policy." This policy helps manage client attendance and ensures that your practice remains financially sustainable. Whether it's a cash-based practice or involves insurance, the no-show policy holds clients accountable for their appointments, preventing frequent cancellations. David mentions that some practices overbook to account for no-shows, but he also introduces the idea of a more lenient approach for students and those dealing with unforeseen circumstances.

Same Day Appointment Policy

David highlights the value of having a same-day appointment policy in place. While some clients might request same-day appointments due to urgency, David explains why his practice doesn't offer them. He states, "If someone has that level of urgency, is our setting appropriate for them?" This policy serves as a filter to ensure that clients in crisis receive the most suitable level of care. By directing them to more intensive programs or higher levels of care, the practice maintains a focus on delivering quality treatment.

Note Policy

David delves into the significance of maintaining a strict note policy. He acknowledges that keeping up with notes can be challenging but stresses its importance due to legal, ethical, and financial reasons. David's practice enforces a policy where notes must be caught up by the end of every week and completely up to date by the end of the month. He explains that this policy isn't meant to be punitive but rather to ensure accountability, legality, and efficient financial management.

Action Steps

Here are the action steps you can take based on today's episode:

  • Implement Clear Policies: Establish well-defined no-shows, and same-day appointments, and note policies that align with your practice's goals and client needs.
  • Communicate Policies: Clearly communicate these policies to your clients during intake, on your website, and through your initial interactions. Transparency is key.
  • Ensure Compliance: Regularly monitor and enforce these policies to maintain practice efficiency, financial stability, and high-quality care.

Scale Your Therapy Practice with Good Policies

Today, we had the privilege of learning from David Hall about three essential policies that can greatly impact the success of your therapy practice. The no-show policy holds clients accountable, the same-day appointment policy filters clients to appropriate care levels, and the note policy ensures legal, ethical, and financial integrity. Remember, by implementing these policies, you're not only creating a structured framework for your practice but also prioritizing client care and overall practice success. Thank you for tuning in to Scaling Therapy Practice, and we look forward to sharing more insights in our next episode!

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