Online Course Planning Checklist


STP 5 | The Power of Setting Goals for your Therapy Practice

business development goal setting personal growth podcast stp therapy practice Jan 16, 2023


Identifying Your Vocation and Setting a Clear Vision

In this conversation, James and David discuss the importance of setting and achieving growth goals in a therapy practice. They begin by emphasizing the need to identify your vocation and set a clear vision for your practice. James shares his approach of writing out a personal eulogy and life story to help orient himself and guide his goals. David adds that it's important to distinguish between your career and your vocation, and to focus on the larger purpose behind your work.


Implementing a System for Achieving Your Goals

Next, the pair delve into the importance of implementing a system for achieving your goals. James shares his approach of writing out monthly and quarterly goals and reading them daily, as well as setting two daily tasks that will advance him towards his overall vision. David emphasizes the value of finding accountability and support, whether through a coach or a community of peers.

Leveraging Your Personality and Business Phase for Success

Finally, James and David discuss the role of personality and business phase in achieving growth goals. They note that it's important to understand and leverage your own strengths and weaknesses, as well as the stage of development your business is in. By aligning your goals with your unique qualities and resources, you can set yourself up for success.

Overall, this conversation highlights the importance of setting clear and purposeful goals in a therapy practice, and provides practical strategies for implementing a system to achieve them. By identifying your vocation, implementing a goal-setting system, and leveraging your personality and business phase, you can create a roadmap for growth and success in your practice.


Episode Quotes

  1. "So my goal in teaching people is whatever money they spend with me is fractional to what it would cost them to do it on their own."
  2. "The benefit is the shortcut or the path to make it less painful, less expensive and easier."
  3. "I believe there are only two teachers. One is your pain and the other is somebody else's."
  4. "It's how do we move past [descriptors like being an excellent executive or having the most successful practice] so that we're living into this bigger thing that is our vocation, which ideally is a manifestation of our personhood, but it's not the same thing as our personhood. Our personhood is something ideally that should be much more robust."
  5. "I think it's the only two things to teach. Like you can either listen to somebody else who's gone through something or they account whether you read something, you watch a take a course, you see a video and they tell you about, you know, or, and they may, they may be telling you the story of somebody else's pain or something like that, but somebody hurt at some point to learn that lesson."

Links and Resources

Builder Type Assessment: Find out your builder type and next steps to scale your practice
PsychMaven with Dr. David Hall
Course Creation Studio with James Marland
Hero on a Mission by Donald Miller
Free Eulogy Planner Created by James Marland Inspired by Donald Miller, Stephen Covey, and Mike Michalowicz

Course Creation Planning Worksheet Download

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