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How to use AI to make tests and quizzes

ai content creation continuing education units Mar 29, 2023

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How to use AI to make tests and quizzes

In this lesson I show you the process of making different types of quizzes. The process took some trial and error and I leave some of that frustration in to show you the steps I took to get my results. While making the quiz was actually the most trial and error out of all the prompts, most of the time there is a small trail and error process when using prompts until you learn the one that give you the best output with the least amount of rewriting and revising. 

True false questions were not too difficult to reproduce. 

Multiple choice questions needed me to train it with the prompts I wanted. I used an example like: 

Produce 10 multiple choice questions on the topic of (topic) using this format as an example "What is the capital of France?; A) Berlin; B) Rome; C) Paris ; D) Amsterdam” then give the answer “(correct)”

When the AI struggled to write multiple questions at one time I shortened the number of questions I was asking it to produce from 10 questions to 3 questions at a time. 

My favorite output for the quiz is a table, so when you are done you can ask it to reformat the questions into a table format.  


Prompts for AI Powered Quizzes and Questions

  • Key point: You often have to feed it the output format before you ask the question
    • What is the capital of France?; A) Berlin; B) Rome; C) Paris ; D) Amsterdam” then give the answer “(correct)”
    • Make a table from the questions formatted with column 1 as the questions, column 2 as the choices, column 3 as the correct answer
  • Generate a multiple choice quiz on [topic], with questions and answer options covering key concepts and information.
  • Develop a true/false test on [topic], covering important facts and concepts.
  • Create a fill-in-the-blank quiz on [topic], testing the knowledge of key terms and concepts.
  • Build a matching quiz on [topic], pairing key concepts with definitions or examples.
  • Develop a short answer quiz on [topic], testing the comprehension of key information and concepts.
  • Create a crossword puzzle on [topic], using key terms and concepts as clues."
  • Build a word scramble quiz on [topic], challenging the knowledge of key terms and concepts.
  • Generate a sequence quiz on [topic], testing the understanding of chronological events or steps in a process.
  • Develop a picture-based quiz on [topic], testing the recognition of key concepts and information.
  • Create a scenario-based quiz on [topic], testing the application of key concepts and information in real-world situations.
  • Act as (educator level) and create (type of quiz) using this transcript as the source material (past transcript)
  • Example Prompts to try
    • Results 
    • I could not get ChatGPT to make a multiple choice quiz on ethics. This prompt kept returning only one answer “Act as a Continuing Education Professor for therapists and create a multiple choice quiz on the ethics of social media with your clients use the topic “A Therapist’s Guide to Ethical Social Media Use”
    • Act as a Continuing Education Professor for therapists and create 10 question  True false quiz formatted in a table with 3 columns for question, correct answer, and explanation of the answer on the ethics of social media with your clients use the topic “A Therapist’s Guide to Ethical Social Media Use”

Get The Full Course For Using AI to Power-Up Your Content Creation Free

This is one part of 9 videos on using AI to create content and remove the difficult parts of getting started. 

Click here to get the full course on using AI to speed up your content creation.

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