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How to create 10 Canva Posts in 10 Minutes using Canva Magic

ai canva ccs social media content Dec 15, 2022

10 tips on organizing my office - Presentation (Facebook Post (Landscape)) by James Marland


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FREE MINI COURSE Will My Course Sell? - Validate your course idea in 1-3 hours using this handy guided exercise. Use AI to do some more research on the top questions your customers ask. Or use AI to flesh out the content prompts you will be getting from looking at Amazon chapter titles.  

Printable Version of "Validate My Course Worksheet" Download now - Free Tool

ChatGPT - The one that seems to do it all, outlining, email writing, blog writing

Kajabi Referral Link - Free Course Creation Resources, buying from this link supports me

Kajabi Outline Generator - Beta

Canva Pro - Referral link, subscribing to the service supports me

Canva Doc - Description of "Magic Write"

Descript - Transcription, video, and podcast creation tool. Purchasing from this link supports me. 



10 Pieces Of Content in 10 MinutesUsing AI to Save Time Creating Content - Canva Magic === James Marland: Okay, I'm gonna show you how to use Google. No Canva. Canva Docs, not Google Docs. Canva Docs to create 10. 10 images in under 10 minutes. Let's get started. There we go. Okay, so we're on our canvas of screen. I signed up for Google, or I gotta stop saying Google, Canva. and I click Canva, doc and I will go to this plus button, that's the magic right button, and I will say give me 10 tips on organiz my office, and I click enter and it's going to give me 10 tips. Okay, for organizing my office now, I'm going to I will read this. If I was doing this for, for reels, I would read this and make sure I agree with these. Maybe rewrite them a little bit in my own language or just leave them as is. So now I will go to the text box up here on the top left. and click textiles and create it heading. So now they're all headings. So what this does is when I convert, convert my doc into a presentation, I'm just gonna use a simple, simple presentation. It will make every heading a new slide. So see I have a new slide, and if I really, if I wanted to stop, , I could just you know, now I have 10, 10 tips, Okay. So you could, you could just stop here if you didn't wanna do anything. But I'm gonna take you one step further. So with Canva Pro, I can resize this into a Facebook post. . And what this will allow me to do is apply templates to this. So I resize it, it's now a Facebook post So I'm going to select this. And if I click here, yeah, it, it gives me the, it gives me the template, but it also includes that text. So what I'm going to do instead is I'm going to go here, I double click the text box. I click Control A, control X. So now I've deleted that text. The other way to do that is double click in, select it, right click. Copy or right click cut. But now I have the text and then I'm gonna click I'm gonna click something that looks nice. That looks nice. Double click that control V. And now I have, now I have the image. Okay. So, Let's do another one. Double click control A to select all the text control X to take out the text. I will select this guy right here. Delete that text control V and move, move it up. So now I have that. Now what if I want a different template? Let's, let's hope these templates come up for me. Let's search office tips. So now I have a template. Let's, let's use this one. So we'll control A, control X, we'll select this green thing. I'm gonna delete this control V and now I have, okay, so now I have that control. A select control A, control X. This one's kind of cool. Double click Control V. I'll just go tip. All right now, we'll oops, I didn't wanna do that. Control a. Control X. Select that. Control V. Let's use that to go out a little bit. You might have to shrink the text a little bit there, and then you can put your own webpage there. Oh, this one has a bunch of ones. So you can see how this can save you a lot of time. I'm going to pause the video and finish the, finish The rest. . So now I have 10, 10 videos. I'll share them here. Or 10 10 items. So they, that took me, I don't know, 10 minutes or less. I didn't add a logo to it. I guess I could add a logo on that one looks weird. I thought those were, I thought those were line markers or, or not actual lines. that probably needs to be centered. But yeah, you can see I now have 10 pieces of content that I can either post once a once a day or make a, a slideshow, a flip show with it. So that's, that's one way to use the magic. I'm gonna show you a another way. . Well, yeah. Let's, let's do that now. So let's say we want an, an image for this and I don't want to search it search up for one. So I can go to text to image, paste in a description and generate an image. Let's generate No, you know what photos the anytime. This AI has made pictures of people for me. It hasn't come out right. They, they, their faces, little expressions look a little weird and their fingers, some, sometimes their fingers are in weird positions. So for canvas text to speech it hasn't been super good for me, but wow. What's this one? Let's attach, set as background. So it made a, it made a desk for me and oops. Didn't want to do that. Set his background. I want to go to Elements. I want this. So, one, one tip here. If you like the background, you can add a shape behind it, center it there, pick a neutral ish color, and then go to this transparency box. And. Make it transparent, eh? Okay, so now we have a AI generated image. So let's try this one. Control a. We'll go to text, to text to image, drop it in. There's different styles. Let's do, let's have him do paintings. Let's see how it does With paintings, it generally takes 20 to 30 seconds to do an AI image, so that's not too bad. Sometimes you like it, sometimes you don't. If you don't like it, you redo it. Oh, that's interesting. Let's make this the background. So I don't know if that's good or bad. Oh, so this, this box is on top of the other one, so I have to send it, send it back. There we go. So this is a, a AI image that's generated. There's nobody who owns it. It will probably never be created again in this way, so you can use it for your documents. Yeah, so I don't like the lines, so you can do that. . Yeah, so use that. So let's, that's one way to use the AI in Canva to create 10 pieces of content in, in 10 minutes. If you already had your templates ready, if you know what you want, it might be even quicker. If you wanna fool around with this AI text to image, it will be a little longer. So there you go.




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