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Do you need to Tech Up, but don't know where to start?

service tech technology therapist May 15, 2024

Guest Blog by Amity Cooper

Calling All Mental Health Professionals, do you need to Tech Up to Care Wide, but don't know where to start. Let us help you!

While I was completing my graduate degree, I saw a huge problem with our training. 

I watched my colleagues and friends struggle to figure out what to do first after their studies were completed.  For many, the solution was to get a low-paying job to meet the licensure requirements, without any additional financial burdens.

I knew there was a better way.  After years of launching and running multiple businesses—I’ve got the Entrepreneurial Cred for creating a business and life you love. 

As we well know, basic business acumen didn’t come with the mental health degree. Sorry to say folks, statistically, if you don’t have any prior business experience, your chances of success drop considerably. 

That’s where I come in.  

I’m Amity Cooper, a therapist and entrepreneur–a Therapreneur–with heart.

The world needs us now, more than ever, and with the changing trajectory of in-service, healing entrepreneurship, once we embrace that being in business is the best way to be in-service, our impact for good is unlimited. 

I created the Clinical Career Collective to help the in-service clinical professional cross the digital divide so they can tech-up and care-wide. 

Armed with a mission and purpose to eradicate the nation's growing mental health crisis, C3 educates and empowers the mental and behavioral health workforce to cross the digital-divide in their clinical practices so that they can be a catalyst for change, growth, and healing. 

Imagine 1 Million Practitioners...

...standing at the precipice of change. Our institutions are not evolving fast enough. The new millennium is now and our systems need an upgrade. The sad truth is that our current care industry isn’t designed for healing the world. 

Clinical Career Collective wants to lead the charge to build up the caregiver’s professional and clinical technological skill set. Whether you are just beginning or an experienced practitioner, the world urgently needs your gifts and your compassion now.  

Your Mental Health Matters

In today’s fast-paced, ever-interconnected world, there is no reason why anyone should go without easy and accessible mental health support today. We have the skills, the knowledge, and the opportunity to help; not just one person, but many people with the innovative technologies at our disposal.

Technology Can Help

Our core purpose is to minimize the technological gap between clinician and client. With the right mental health tools and services, caregivers can be the catalyst for change, being virtually or physically present, at the right time, in the right moment, just when it’s needed most. 

With our hearts open, we are all in. Together, our impact for good is unlimited. 

The Way Forward

We accomplish our vision by focusing on 3 key areas:

  • Innovative Exponential Technologies: learning to embrace these new technologies can exponentially shift our industry and provide mental health accessibility to once, unserviceable areas.
    • “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic” Arthur C. Clarke
  • Advance Mental Health Social Justice:  Access to mental health services is the great equalizer for humanity. We stand united with every person’s desire for mental and behavioral health wellness.  
    • “When you dream big, your problems become small” Vishen Lakhiani
  • Healing Entrepreneurship: With an open heart and open mind, we can all be virtually unlimited as in-service professionals. We believe that being in-business is the best way to be of-service in order to become the clinician the world needs.

The In-Service Manifesto:

We are the frontline responders to the soul.

We are the compassionate, the caring, and the healers of the world. 

We are the guides, witnesses, and companions, on the pilgrim path of self-discovery. 

We are the competent and consummate professionals with a mission to serve. 

We choose to care wide rather than stay small.

We are expansive and full of possibilities. 

With our hearts open, we are all in.

Together, our impact for good is unlimited. 

About Amity:

Amity Cooper is a trained mental health professional and small business brand strategist who trains and educates impact-driven, caring professionals on incorporating new technologies into their businesses so that they can ‘tech-up’ and serve wide through her professional development company, Clinical Career Collective.

 You can stay current and up to date by subscribing to Amity’s YouTube SOAP notes news channel, where she reports on how our lives and practices continue to interact with this new and ever-evolving landscape or by visiting her website or her 7-day bootcamp e-course called Do This First,

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