How to Stop Sabotaging Your Success: What Not to Do in 2025
As we approach a new year, it’s natural to think about the habits we want to build. But have you ever thought about what habits you should leave behind? Sometimes, it’s the things we stop doing that create the most positive change. Here are four things to let go of in 2025, inspired by my own journey to make the year more intentional and impactful.
1. Stop Using Social Media to Cure Boredom
How often do you instinctively grab your phone during a moment of downtime? Whether waiting in line, sitting in front of a slow computer, or just experiencing a lull, it’s easy to turn to social media for a quick distraction. But as I’ve learned, those "quick" distractions can spiral into wasted time.
“I realized that instead of 30 seconds to cure my boredom, it takes 30 minutes,” I shared in the podcast. Apps like Facebook and Instagram are designed to hook you, leading you down a rabbit hole of cat videos, fantasy football scores, or endless scrolling.
What to do instead: Replace mindless scrolling with something meaningful. For me, that’s a Bible reading plan with friends. “Instead of mushing my brain with random silliness, I’m reading something that’s important to me, something I’ve always wanted to do.” You could also try reading an eBook, meditating, or even doing a quick physical activity like push-ups. The key is to choose something intentional that feeds your mind or body.
2. Stop Going to Bed Without a Plan
Have you ever ended the day scrolling social media or watching TV, only to wake up groggy and directionless? That was me, too. “I was going to bed without writing anything down, without thinking, without journaling,” I confessed.
But here’s the thing: you can pre-plan your success. By writing down one key goal for the next day, you set yourself up for a win. It doesn’t have to be grand—just something achievable that moves you closer to your goals.
What to do instead: Start a bedtime ritual that includes setting your intention for the next day. “I write my goals in a spreadsheet so I can track them, review them, and stay organized,” I explained. Whether you use a journal, a notes app, or a sticky note by your bed, find a system that works for you.
3. Stop Focusing on What You Don’t Have
It’s easy to compare yourself to others, measuring your beginnings against someone else’s middle or end. This mindset, as Dan Sullivan describes in The Gap and the Gain, keeps you trapped in “the gap”—a focus on what’s missing instead of what you’ve achieved.
“I look at what I don’t have and compare myself to other people,” I admitted in the episode. “And that makes me miserable.”
What to do instead: Shift your focus to your wins. At the end of each day, write down three things you’re proud of. This practice, called “focusing on the gain,” reminds you of how far you’ve come. “Even if you’re not making stratospheric leaps, you’re taking steps to build your business, relationships, and skills,” I said. Looking back at these wins will motivate you to keep moving forward.
4. Stop Taking Your Days for Granted
When you work from home or follow the same routine daily, time can blur. Days, months, and even years pass in a flash, leaving you wondering, What did I even do?
“I live my life without much recognition of what’s going on,” I shared. “It feels like time is flying by, and I can’t remember exactly what I was doing.”
What to do instead: Make your days memorable by capturing small stories or moments of meaning. “I’m trying to write down one to three stories each day,” I said. These don’t have to be groundbreaking—a thoughtful observation, a conversation, or a realization can become a meaningful story. Not only does this practice help you savor the present, but it also provides rich material for personal growth, blog posts, or even business storytelling.
Bonus: Embrace Gratitude and Purpose
Underlying all these habits is the idea of mindfulness. As I shared in the podcast, “If you know that your life is finite, it makes every day more precious.” By letting go of distractions, aimlessness, and negativity, you can focus on what truly matters: the people, goals, and experiences that bring you joy.
Your Turn: What Will You Let Go of in 2025?
Now it’s your turn. Which of these “not to dos” resonates most with you? Is it cutting back on social media, planning your days, celebrating your progress, or cherishing your time? Take a moment to reflect and choose one habit to let go of in the coming year.
As you plan your 2025, remember: success isn’t just about what you do—it’s about what you stop doing. By shedding habits that no longer serve you, you make room for growth, joy, and success.
Here’s to a year of purpose and progress!
If you’re ready to take your goals to the next level, I’d love to help. Check out my course creation programs at Course Creation Studio or email me at Let’s make 2025 your best year yet!
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