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Marketing Your Mental Health Services with Lead Magnets

know lead magnets like marketing scaling therapy practice trust Oct 16, 2023
Marketing Your Mental Health Services with Lead Magnets


Therapists in the Digital Age:

In today's digital world, therapists are not just confined to their clinics. They're exploring the vast online space, creating courses, and reaching a wider audience. James Marland mentions the challenge of "validating course topics" and the importance of ensuring they resonate with the target audience. As he puts it, "I don't wanna invest time into things if I know if it's not gonna make money."

The Power of Lead Magnets for Therapy Services:

Lead magnets are powerful tools for therapists aiming to scale their private practice. Lisa Mustard emphasizes the effectiveness of quizzes, mentioning the "Builder Type Assessment" as an example. However, she also points out that sometimes, even a great idea might need a tweak. She suggests, "I think if you put the word personality in there, you'd get more takers."

Email Magic for Therapists:

Email isn't dead, especially not for therapists looking to build a connection. Lisa advises being genuine, saying, "Be true to your voice." She also highlights the importance of frequency, noting that some therapists email "once a week" while others might choose "once a month."

 Building and scaling a therapy business in today's digital age requires a mix of traditional therapy services, innovative online courses, and the smart use of lead magnets. As therapists venture into the world of passive income, tools like quizzes, email marketing, and online ads can pave the way for success.

10 tips for creating effective lead magnets:

  • Validate Your Topic: Before investing time and resources, ensure your course or lead magnet topic resonates with your target audience. As James Marland mentioned, "I don't wanna invest time into things if I know if it's not gonna make money."
  • Utilize Quizzes: Quizzes can be powerful lead magnets. Consider creating assessments that provide value, like the "Builder Type Assessment" discussed in the transcript.
  • Promote Effectively: Even a great lead magnet needs proper promotion. As Lisa Mustard pointed out, it's essential to talk about your lead magnet "during the show enough to get people to sign up."
  • Feedback is Gold: Before finalizing your lead magnet, gather feedback. It can help refine the offering and make it more appealing. Lisa suggested renaming the "Builder Type Assessment" to something more relatable.
  • Use Pinterest: Lisa emphasized the potential of Pinterest for growing email lists. It's a platform where people are actively looking for solutions.
  • Direct Traffic to Your Website: Always point people to your website, especially if promoting a podcast. As Lisa mentioned, "I'm always wanting them to go listen to my podcast on my website."
  • Offer Discounts: Consider giving discounts on your products or services as a lead magnet. Lisa shared her experience of offering "half off your first continuing education, pod course."
  • Create Checklists: Simple tools like checklists can be effective lead magnets. Lisa mentioned one such lead magnet offering "50 ideas for therapists to create additional streams of income."
  • Diversify Promotion Platforms: Don't rely solely on one platform. Explore options like Google Ads and Pinterest to reach a broader audience.
  • Stay Genuine in Communications: Whether it's through email or other channels, always be genuine. As Lisa advised, "Be true to your voice."

 Remember, the key to a successful lead magnet is to provide genuine value to your audience while effectively promoting it across various platforms.

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